Monday - September 23rd, 2024
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Chris Rodell

The tattoo I’m thinking of getting …

 I did something this week I swore I’d never do, something I’ve viciously mocked others for doing.I contacted a tattoo parlor about getting some ink.We’ll get into all of that but first I need to wrestle with why it was a parlor.The venerable Oxford English Dictionary says parlor (they spell it, parlour, the Limeys) is […]

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Firetruck racing to end boring parades

(657 words) One if the most satisfying aspects of spending so much time staring out the window is being the recipient of radom genius thoughts. It’s a sort of brain lightning. You see solutions to problems that have for years bedeviled your fellow man. Problems like way too many firetrucks. That’s just the way my brain […]

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is this my best line?

 My friend Scott Levin told he thinks this the funniest line I’ve ever written … “If most men are being honest —  a big “if” — we’d admit to seeing a lot of ourselves in Ken while aspiring to see just a little of ourselves in Barbie.” Is he correct? Do you recall a better […]

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My nearly 2 hours with world’s most sadistic barber

(671 words) I’m so resigned to the cruel realities of male pattern baldness that when my daughter said my hair looked nice, I said, “Which one?” So normally I lack the impetus — not to mention the hair — to write about my coif But after what happened to me at the Ye Olde Barber […]

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Tweets of the Month

 • As a proponent of “make everyday something festive,” I was a pioneer promoter for “Christmas in July” (and August, and September and etc …). Today I told my daughter to quit the summer job, drop out of school and devote her every waking moment to composing 12 Juneteenth in July carols that’ll really capture […]

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Thots on Titan sub & untimely death

 (648 words)I blame my years as a young newspaper reporter for why I spend so much time thinking about untimely death.Back then it was a near daily smorgasbord of reporting on the often violent expirations of hapless Tennesseans. They’d accidentally steer jalopies off cliffs, stumble into the rusty wood chipper, and drunkenly fail to exit […]

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What we used to call Tweets of the Month…

 Check out my Intstagram! • I swear, if I were a lumberjack, I’m certain I’d spend less time jackin’ lumber and more time sitting in the shade pondering what to me is the root question of the profession: “Okay, the boss ordered me to cut this tree down. And as soon as I do he’ll […]

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It’s true: Fred Rogers & Arnold Palmer never got along

  (674 words) I’m proud that all my books and subsequent talks are all about spreading happiness and understanding. My aim is to uplift the downtrodden. So why is it one of the things I’m sure my audience always remembers most is something most distressful? I guess it’s because no one wants to believe that […]

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My unwanted adventure inside the women’s restroom

 (757 words)I mistakenly found myself on the culture war front lines Saturday at an otherwise innocent golf bash..And, yep, my penis was partly to blame.It by mistake led me into the ladies’ room.It’s where conservatives believe the about 1.4 percent of Americans who identify as transgender are massing to present temptations that likely would have […]

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Non-Tweets of the month

 For the record, none of these “tweets” ever appeared on Twitter. I’m fed up with Musk. Tired of the repeated password exchange. Done with reading news about blue checks, etc. Still, these are best described as tweet-like, so …• SnapChat, Instagram, TikTok — 10 years ago none of us had ever heard of these. Now, […]

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