137 When Hospice Doesn’t Go Well: Navigating Difficult Conversations with Jamie Haberman RN
In episode 137 of the Hospice Explained podcast, host Marie Betcher, RN, interviews returning guest Jamie Haberman, RN, a dedicated Christian wife, mother of six, homeschool teacher, hospice nurse, and international bestselling author. They discuss the challenges when hospice care doesn’t go as expected, focusing on calming distressed families and managing symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, Anxiety, and spiritual distress. Jamie shares examples and emphasizes the importance of Education, personalized care, and the role of hospice professionals in providing comfort. The episode underscores the essential support hospice care offers to patients and families during the end of life. 00:00 Introduction to Hospice Explained 00:36 Meet Jamie Haberman: A Multifaceted Professional 01:01 Challenges in Hospice Care: Real-Life Examples 01:54 Understanding Medication Management in Hospice 07:15 Addressing Common Concerns in Hospice Care 16:31 The Role of Spiritual Care in Hospice 19:45 Conclusion and Contact Information
Finding a Hospice Agency
1. You can use Medicare.gov to help find a hospice agency,
2. choose Find provider
3. Choose Hospice
4. then add your zip code
This should be a list of Hospice Agencies local to you or your loved one.
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