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January 16th, 2025

From homeless vet to helping the homeless with Chaz

  1. From homeless vet to helping the homeless with Chaz HomeFront Sitrep 1:27:49

The FSB Initiative is a 501c3 non-profit organization that has one simple mission, help homeless Veterans off the street and onto their feet! Our President was a homeless veteran in 2016. He was in a program that really helped him get back on his feet and then transferred to a program in Delaware that was not doing what it needed to for our Veterans. He vowed to start a program that would really make a difference in a homeless Veterans’ life. Our ultimate goal is to have our own shelter.

We go out into the homeless community and help homeless veterans with clothing, hygiene, food, and any other comforts we can give. However, the help does not stop there. We work with them if they have addictions and offer to get them into treatment if they desire. FSB can help get them shelter, Employment, and other services. A homeless veteran qualifies for care through the VA even if it is not service connected. As long as they are under the care of a program, they will get the medical help they need!

Without the help of donors, we cannot complete our mission. We are working on items that can be purchased and 100% of it goes to help us help our Veterans who we owe a debt of gratitude that cannot be repaid. There are no paid employees so 100% of all donations go to help men, women and their children if needed get off the street and on their feet.

We currently work with homeless veterans from Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania and have active outreach teams in Ohio, Tennessee and Florida as well. With your HELP we can and will help put a major dent in the homeless epidemic.

David Willis HomeFront Sitrep Podcast

My name is David Willis, I knew at a very early age that I was going into the military but didn’t know what branch. As I got older and started learning about each branch and quickly figured out that the Marines was the best. I served in the Marine Corps from 97-04. My MOS was 0311(infantry). I went to Paris Island for boot camp after boot camp I was stationed with 2nd blt 8th Marines Golf company. While with 2/8 I went on several deployments to port a prince Haiti, Okinawa, South Korea, Greece, also did two trips to Bridgeport California for cold weather training, I wasn’t going to make a Mediterranean float so I extended and joined 1st blt 8th Marines Bravo company. During my time there we deployed to the Mediterranean and had stops in Spain, Italy, Malta, Africa, and other ports. I got out of the Marines in August of 01, but 9/11 happened and was recalled to go back in where I was stationed with a mobilization support battalion and deployed.



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