Honor and Remember with George Lutz
- Honor and Remember with George Lutz HomeFront Sitrep 1:22:46
Mission: To perpetually recognize the sacrifice of America’s military fallen service members and their families. The organization pays tribute to all military lives lost, not only while serving on active duty but also as a result of serving. Military deaths in all wars or conflicts and all branches of service from our nation’s inception are recognized.
The primary vehicle for perpetual recognition is a specific and dedicated symbol of remembrance created by this organization: the Honor and Remember Flag, which is intended to fly continuously as a tangible and visible reminder to all Americans of the lives lost in defense of our national freedoms.
Rationale: In our over 200 year history there has never been an official national symbol that solely and specifically recognizes in gratitude and respect the ultimate sacrifice made by members of the United States military in service to our nation. The Honor and Remember Flag was created for that purpose.
Goals: In keeping with our mission and primary goals, we continue to significantly impact this nation with the message of perpetually recognizing our military fallen heroes and their families. Our objectives can be summarized in four words, establish, educate, present and comfort.