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Profitable Paths to Show You the Money

Are you stuck in self-defeating, limiting beliefs about exchanging your products for payment – also known as “sales”? And the more you ponder it, you’re digging a deeper hole?

You’re not alone. There’s lots of company standing in the way of success with you, denying those who want and need what you offer.

What if you found pain-free, profitable pathways to answers for large audiences, helping more people than you currently do, propelling your prosperity beyond your imagination?

Here are examples of highly successful, unconventional ways, done by people just like you.

In Spite of COVID

Think back to March, 2020. A first-time children’s book author was about to contact product manufacturers and distributors for parents of preschool and elementary grade children. The author knew she could reach more people and make more Money selling her book in large quantities. Companies use such items as a gift with purchase and other promotional strategies. As the author was ready to contact corporate marketing departments, COVID was announced. Decision-makers unreachable. Budgets froze.

An idea surfaced. A friend was learning the best uses of substantial money her late husband left her.

Tax-deductible donations to nonprofits whose mission resonated with her would lower her tax bill. We met for lunch, showed the book, and explained the situation. The story was about a sad little girl leaving her friends by moving away with her parents. That story was ideal for military families! I found two well-rated nonprofits whose mission was supporting military families. My friend enthusiastically said “I’ll give you $5,000.”


Her $5,000 tax-deductible gift covered the gifting and shipping of 500 copies of the book to military families, helping numerous people in the process:

  • 500 Families – a relevant gift for the families

  • 2 Nonprofits – a gift supporting their mission

  • The Donor – her tax deduction

  • The Author – profit on the sale of 500 books

  • My Company – agreed arrangement as sale facilitator

This transaction is Private Donor Sponsorship. Many people financially support nonprofits. Partnering with them and relevant nonprofits lets you HELP lots of people! Individuals make faster decisions than big companies that also sponsor people, places, and things.

Variation of Theme

Many People

People in many parts of her life kept telling this professor she needed to write a book about her role as a long-time caregiver of her beloved husband who was diagnosed with dementia, now living in a memory care facility. As much as she agreed with writing and publishing a book, her cash flow covered the necessities of daily life and not much more.

She knew an ideal publishing company that would be a great fit for her, and knew the cost to hire them. Things were lining up one piece at a time. All she needed was money to make it happen. She had emotional support coming from many directions – her spiritual community, writers’ community, and additional friends beyond those two major connections.

A possible pathway occurred to her. How about creating a private Crowdfunding process rather than going through programs that already exist? Many people know her, love her, admire her, hold her in high regard, and want to ease her journey however they can. She created a way for them. Because they know her and the circumstances, they were eager to assist, confident she’d receive their entire contribution without administrative fees removed or funds ‘detoured.’

Her ideas and efforts succeeded. The funds covered writing, producing, and launching the book, by creating and announcing the opportunity to help make this happen. The book needed more exposure. She didn’t have time and energy to traditionally flame the fires on Amazon or in bookstores. Her publishing company’s owner introduced me to the author.

My company’s business model – teaching only bulk sales and content licensing – is the author’s next step. She’s aware, informing those who helped get the book published. Whether making financial contributions or not, they can make introductions to decision makers at relevant associations and companies, likely candidates for purchasing her book and related products in bulk and through content licensing

Many People

She took the Crowdfunding concept, tweaked it, got the book done, and launched. Next is updating participants on marketing financially and through introductions. Who she is and what she brings to the world form a process you, too, can explore in getting your book and related products created and distributed to those whose lives you’ll positively impact. Did I mention you’ll also profit financially on this lesser traveled path helping others to help you? All of this from helping.

© 2024, Paulette Ensign – All Rights Reserved

Paulette Ensign The Tips Products Strategist

Paulette is the Founder and The Tips Content Strategist at Tips Products International (the parent company of the wholly-owned subsidiary, Tips Products Publishing Agency.) Paulette has over forty years’ experience with small and mid-size business owners, corporations, and professional associations in numerous industries, worldwide. She and her team look forward to traveling part of your journey with you and serving you as she happily and proudly continues to defy getting old while getting older.


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