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June 13th, 2024

The David Watson Podcast #134 Now I'm awake I'm Walking with God, a suicide survivor tells their story

  1. The David Watson Podcast #134 Now I'm awake I'm Walking with God, a suicide survivor tells their story watsondavid1974 1:04:39

Now I’m awake I’m Walking with God, a suicide survivor tells their story

The problems of life, they can make you or break you, depending on your beliefs and perspectives. After setting myself up for failure and my world began to fall apart, I found myself sitting alone, humiliated, and broken beyond repair.

There was no way of coming back from this, or was there?

I chose to end my life when I could not handle the consequences that came from my own actions.

My mind was totally consumed with dark and painful thoughts that I could not let go of, but God, who is in control, decided, “No, Jerome, it’s not your time.

As a matter of fact, I have plans for you, things for you to see, places you are to go.

No, my child, it’s not your time.” And with that, one chapter of my life came to a close and a new chapter began with God leading the way and blessing me beyond anything I could have imagined for myself.

This book was written while I was working abroad in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, in one of the many countries that the Lord gave me the opportunity to visit and work in.

This was a prime location for solitude with God, and I had a lot of free time to devote myself to the Lord in prayer, meditation, and fasting.

I feel God led me to this location for a deeper relationship with him, and part of me feels he led me here to write this book.

I’m one of the many people who looked at suicide as an option to dealing with the hardships of life.

Had it not been for God’s grace and mercy, I would not be here today, and I would not have experienced the beautiful life that the Lord had waiting for me on the other side of my problems.

From Broken to Blessed Amazon

It turns out even though I'm "grown up" I still don't know what I want to do. They never told me about that at school.
I wrote a book as well.

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