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May 24th, 2024

Beat Anxiety: Proven Meditation Techniques Revealed

  1. Beat Anxiety: Proven Meditation Techniques Revealed Constantin Morun 46:36

Discover how meditation can transform your mind and reality as Thom Walters shares over 40 years of insights and practical tips.

Learn to navigate stress and anxiety with mindfulness and uncover the limitless possibilities within your thoughts and beliefs.

Hey friends! I’m back with my good buddy Thom to chat about how meditation can be a game-changer for mental health.

Thom has been meditating for over 40 years – talk about experience! He shares how it’s brought him comfort and wisdom during challenging times.

In this laid-back convo, we break down how thoughts literally create our reality. The key is figuring out which thoughts are “yours” versus borrowed.

Meditation helps you observe thoughts more objectively. We also discuss techniques for overcoming anxiety. By becoming more aware of your body’s signals and separating your stuff from others’ stuff, you can say “nope” to extra stress.

Thom explains how asking the right questions extracted his pain response after stubbing his toe as a kid. Wild! Just shows the power of mindset.

I share a vulnerable story about when my event prep triggered old anxiety patterns. Meditation helped me shift my state and come from the heart.

The key takeaway?

No matter how far you are in your practice, challenges will still pop up.

Meet them with self-compassion, not judgment. To get Thom’s guidance on using meditation for anxiety relief, visit his website.

And stay tuned for more insights on living purposefully!


00:00 – Reality Creation and Mental Health Awareness

01:37 – Transformative Power of Meditation and Thoughts

15:22 – Perception, Healing, and Letting Go

21:16 – Focus, Pain Management, and Present Moment Awareness

29:32 – Meditation, Mental Health, and Anxiety

35:31 – Embracing Meditation, Change, and Growth Mindset

41:21 – Overcoming Stigma, Self-Identity, and Empowerment


Thom Walters is an experienced meditation teacher with over 40 years of practice. His calming presence and insightful approach have positively impacted many individuals seeking emotional and mental well-being. As the host of two popular podcasts, Thom has a natural ability to guide others on their journey to finding inner peace and mental clarity. His expertise and wisdom make him a valuable resource for understanding the benefits of meditation for mental health and overcoming anxiety. Thom’s down-to-earth nature and genuine desire to help others shine through in his teachings, making him a trusted and relatable source for those looking to explore the transformative power of meditation.



Unleash Thyself



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Constantin Morun:

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Constantin Morun Neuroencoding & Transformational Growth Specialist

I am Constantin Morun, a Neuroencoding & Transformational Growth Specialist, podcaster, speaker, writer & content creator.

My own journey, overcoming a life-long battle with depression, anxiety, burnout, and the 'ten thieves of our dreams' — procrastination, hesitation, fear of failure, success, rejection, imposter syndrome, self-loathing, self-doubt, stress, and overwhelm — forms the cornerstone of my two-plus decades in personal and professional development. This firsthand experience has deeply shaped my approach to empowering others.

In my diverse career, I've held numerous leadership and change roles within the corporate and coaching worlds. Combined with my degree in Mathematics and expertise as a Licensed Neuroencoding Specialist, I bring to the table a unique blend of practical life strategies and neuropsychological insights.

Having guided countless individuals on similar paths, my mission is to inspire, empower, support and guide you in discovering your 'why', fostering your gifts & strengths, rewiring your brain, and overcoming limiting beliefs to unlock your full potential.

As someone who is still on this transformative journey, I warmly invite you to join me in this process of growth and self-discovery.

Together, let's embark on a transformative journey to break free from the barriers holding you back, stepping into a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, abundance, and joy.

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