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February 19th, 2024

Golden Hearts United: A Celebration of Love and Hope

#valentinesday #thegoldenlifecommunity #kathytarochione #goldenfounders #becomeagoldenfounder
REPLAY: RECORDED on February 13, 2024.

Purpose and significance of the Valentine’s Day event.
The Greatest Healer is Love; Self-Love Heals the Self
Discussion on how women over 55

This Valentine’s Day, let’s embrace and activate the only Lover that never leaves you.

How would you feel knowing that this divine Lover within is your most powerful, wisest, and intimate presence? Let’s unpack this divine Self Love together that has been waiting within you for so long, yearning to be discovered by you. How would your life be different if, from this day forward, you never felt alone again?

This Day is for YOU. We invite you to join us and other like-minded women in this celebration of our most precious Hearts. Let us show you how to heal yourself while giggling with joy and satisfaction. Let us discover a new way of living your most desired life now. Learn the special features and benefits of belonging to a Sisterhood of women with contributing mindsets at The Golden Life Community.

Join Kathy Tarochione, Co-Founder/CEO; Dr. Angelika Christie, Chief Officer of Mind-Body Optimization; Kelly Pratt, President of The Golden Connections virtual platform; Scott Winton, President of The GOLDENSpaces physical living spaces and Beverley Glazer, Advisory Board Member, and GOLDEN Host for a celebration of YOUR Love for YOU and turn any memories of sadness and loneliness into new beginnings.

Your presence at this event is not just about celebrating a day of love; it’s about igniting a movement where we, as women over 55, stand together in our power to shape a world that understands our worth and potential.
In the warm embrace of our golden years, we find ourselves at a crossroads of life that whispers a promise of new beginnings and rich experiences. With heartfelt joy and open arms, we invite you to join us at our special Zoom Celebration, an event lovingly crafted by The Golden Life Community LLC for women like you, who have graced the world with over 55 years of strength, Wisdom, and beauty.

Become a GOLDEN Founder NOW:

Kathy Tarochione Live Broadcaster / Host / Producer


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