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November 18th, 2023

Unleashing Potential through Kindness and Self-Love with Joey Natale

  1. Unleashing Potential through Kindness and Self-Love with Joey Natale Mike 27:53

Ever wonder how embracing your quirks can set you on a path to success? This episode is a testament to just that. We get up close and personal with Joey Natale, the charismatic founder of Grow Our Light. Joey’s fascinating journey started from accepting his 'nerdiness' and ADHD, leading him to become a celebrated public speaker and coach. We dive into an enriching conversation about the importance of health, the honor in being a 'nerd', and how to express yourself in a way that resonates with others. Joey generously shares his insights on enhancing social skills and articulating your thoughts in a way that can truly make an impact.

We continue our dialogue with Joey, focusing on how integral kindness is to his Coaching approach. We dialogue about the fine line between loneliness and solitude, and how to find peace in your own company. We explore the realms of self-love and shadow work, helping you understand their true essence. This episode is more than just a conversation, it's an invitation to realize the value of kindness, not just as a virtue, but as a tool to achieve your aspirations and build meaningful relationships. It's a gentle nudge towards remembering that kindness, like any other skill, needs to be nurtured and practiced. Come join us, and discover how kindness can deepen your ability to love and be compassionate towards others.

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Mike is a husband, father, and proud grandfather, he is an entrepreneur, author and the creator and host of The Kindness Matters Podcast. He is dedicated to inspiring and motivating others to be more kind to each other. To overlooking whatever differences may exist between us; whether it’s politics, religion, race or whom we love, and understand that we all have so much more in common than we realize.

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