When Fun Becomes Work (and How to Get it Back)
Have you ever had that sinking feeling when your favorite thing starts to feel like…duty? Think about reading. I remember years ago devouring page after page in book after book. Now, even picking up a book feels like a chore. After all of my emails and work-related reading, I feel like I need a break.
But why? Turns out, it’s all about motivation. There’s the kind that bubbles up from the inside and makes you do things just because you love them (intrinsic motivation). And then there’s the “carrot-on-a-stick” kind, where you do stuff for the reward (extrinsic motivation).
Think about that kid who loves drawing. Give them a gold star for every picture, and suddenly, the joy fizzles. It’s like the act of drawing isn’t enough anymore; they need that external validation. Not cool.
Now, for us grown-ups, it’s not just gold stars. It’s Money, promotions, even praise. And while these things can be nice, they can also turn our passions into just another to-do on the list, like my reading. I read undergraduate papers and endless emails for work. My intrinsic motivation was replaced with extrinsic motivation. Remember Volunteering at the soup kitchen? That feeling of purpose, of giving back? But now, imagine doing it for minimum wage at Starbucks. Not quite the same, right?
So, how do we keep the spark alive? How do we reclaim our intrinsic motivation and make life a little more “Right Side of Awesome”?
1. Embrace the Volunteer Spirit: Remember the joy of doing something simply for the good of it? Sign up at that animal shelter, lend a hand at the library, or teach a kid to skateboard. You’ll be surprised how much fulfillment comes from giving back without expecting anything in return.
2. Share Your Wisdom: Got some skills you love using? Mentor someone! Watch those “aha!” moments light up their eyes, and you’ll know you’re making a difference. Plus, the knowledge you share has a way of coming back around, making you even wiser yourself.
3. Play for the Fun of It: Forget the Fitbit goals and fancy gadgets. Just lace up your shoes and go for a run because you love the feel of the wind in your hair. Dive into that book because the characters inspire you. Let the joy of the activity be enough.
Life is too short for chores disguised as passions. Reconnect with what makes your heart sing, do it for the sheer joy of it, and watch your inner fire reignite. And hey, who knows? You’ll inspire someone else to do the same along the way.
Now, go out there and chase that intrinsic feeling! It’s waiting for you, just beyond the “to-do” list. Now that the semester has ended, I can get back to reading just for fun. I’ll be embracing my intrinsic motivation for the next month!
P.S. Want to share your stories of rediscovering your inner spark? Hit the comments below. Let’s celebrate the joy of doing what we love just because!
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Lepper, M. R., Greene, D., & Nisbett, R. E. (1973). Undermining children’s intrinsic interest with extrinsic reward: A test of the “overjustification” hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 28(1), 129–137.
Originally Published on https://deborahheiserphd.substack.com/