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Classifieds FAQ

Welcome to the Classified Ads FAQ!

This is your go-to resource for all things related to our classified ads platform. Whether you’re buying or selling, this guide will help you navigate our user-friendly marketplace.

Learn how to create compelling listings, stay safe while interacting with others, and make the most of your experience on

Classified Ads FAQ


  • How do I post a Classified Listing on

    Posting a listing on our platform is simple and user-friendly. Just follow these steps:   

    1. Become a Member: If you don’t already have an account and active membership you can register here to join today!
    2. Log In: If you already have an account, login using your credentials here
    3. Create a Listing: Once logged in, navigate to the "Classifieds " section and locate and click the green "Create A New Listing " button.
    4. Choose a Category: Select the most appropriate category for your list. This helps potential buyers find your listing easily. 
    5. Add Details: Provide accurate and detailed information about the item or service you’re advertising. Include a clear title, description, price, location, and any other relevant details.  
    6. Preview Your Listing: Double-check your listing details and make sure everything is accurate. Once satisfied, click the "Publish" button.
    7. Payment: Payment is required for your ad to be displayed. When prompted, follow the payment instructions to complete the process.  

    If you encounter any issues or have questions during the posting process, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.  

  • What types of ads are prohibited on the platform?

    We take the safety and integrity of our platform seriously, which is why certain types of ads are prohibited to ensure a positive experience for all users. The following categories of ads are not allowed on our classified ads website:   

    • Illegal or Illicit Items: Ads promoting or offering illegal goods, services, or activities, including but not limited to drugs, firearms, counterfeit items, stolen property, and any content that violates local laws. 
    • Adult Content: Any ads containing explicit adult content, pornography, or any material that is not suitable for a general audience. 
    • Hate Speech and Discrimination: Ads that promote hate speech, discrimination, or any content that targets individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic. 
    • Scams and Fraud: Ads that attempt to deceive users or engage in fraudulent activities, including phishing schemes, pyramid schemes, and any content that aims to extract personal or financial information.
    • Misleading or Deceptive Ads: Ads that provide false or misleading information about products, services, pricing, or availability. 
    • Stolen Property: Ads promoting stolen goods or encouraging any form of property theft. 
    • Dangerous Items: Ads related to explosives, hazardous materials, or items that pose a significant risk to safety. 
    • Spam and Repetitive Content: Ads that are overly repetitive, irrelevant, or intended to flood the platform with excessive content. 
    • Services Requiring Licenses: Ads for services that require proper licenses (e.g., medical services, legal advice) without adequate verification. 
    • Multi-Level Marketing (MLM): Ads promoting multi-level marketing schemes or pyramid structures. 
    • Animal Trafficking: Ads promoting the illegal trade of animals or animal parts, or any activity that harms or exploits animals. 
    • Personal Information: Ads that contain personal information of individuals without their consent.  


    If you’re unsure about whether your ad falls within these guidelines, feel free to reach out to our support team for clarification before posting.   

  • How can I edit my listing?

    Editing your listing is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

    1. Log In: If you already have a account, log in using your credentials here .
    2. Access Your Ads: Navigate to the classifieds section, click the blue “Manage Your Existing Ads” button at the top of the page.
    3. Select the Ad: Find the ad you want to edit and click on it. This will take you to the ad’s details page.
    4. Edit Details: Make changes to the ad’s title, description, price, images, or any other relevant information.
    5. Review and Save: After making the necessary changes, review the ad to ensure accuracy. Then, save your changes by clicking the “Update” button.

    It’s essential to keep your listings updated to provide accurate information to potential buyers. If you encounter any difficulties while editing or deleting your ad, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance.

  • How can I delete my listing?
    1. Access Your Listings: Navigate to the classifieds section, click the blue “Manage Your Existing Ads” button at the top of the page.
    2. Select the Listing: Find the listing you want to edit and click on it. This will take you to the ad’s details page.
    3. Select “Delete…”: click the “Delete…” button at the top of the edit section.
    4. Confirm: A popup will appear asking you to “Delete this item?” , select “Delete”, and your listing will be permenantly deleted.

    Remember that once you delete a listing, it cannot be recovered. If you’re unsure about deleting an listing, you can contact our support team for advice.

  • How long will my listing be live on the site?

    We offer different listing durations to cater to your needs. When posting an ad on our platform, you can choose from the following options:

    • 30-Day Listing: Your ad will be active and visible on the site for a duration of 30 days from the time of posting. This option is great for items or services that you expect to sell relatively quickly.
    • 90-Day Listing: Opting for a 90-day listing extends the visibility of your ad to 90 days. This gives you a longer window of opportunity to connect with potential buyers and negotiate offers.
    • 365-Day Listing: If you want your ad to have maximum exposure over an extended period, you can select the 365-day listing option. This ensures your ad remains live on the site for an entire year, allowing you to reach a broader audience.

    Each listing duration comes with its associated pricing, reflecting the extended visibility and convenience it provides. When posting your ad, you can select the listing duration that aligns best with your goals and budget.

    Remember that you can always renew or extend your ad’s duration if you haven’t yet achieved your desired outcome within the initial listing period. Feel free to explore these options based on your needs. If you have any questions or need assistance in choosing the right listing duration please reach out to our support team .

  • Can I feature my listing for more visibility?

    Absolutely! We offer a feature that can significantly boost the visibility of your listing: the 30-Day Featured Listing. When you choose to feature your listing, it will receive enhanced prominence on our platform, increasing the chances of attracting potential buyers. Here’s how it works:

    30-Day Featured Listing:

    When you opt for a Featured Listing, your ad will enjoy the following benefits:

    • Priority Placement: Featured listings are displayed prominently at the top of relevant search results or classified category pages, ensuring they’re among the first listings that users see.
    • Distinctive Label: Featured listings include a attention grabbing green border and “Featured” tag making them stand out from regular listings.
    • Increased Attention: The higher visibility of your listing means it’s more likely to catch the eye of users, resulting in a higher click-through rate and potential inquiries.

    To post a featured listing, simply select the “30 Day Featured Listing” option when posting your ad. This option typically comes with an additional fee, reflecting the enhanced visibility and potential for faster responses.

    Keep in mind that featuring your listing is an excellent strategy when you want to draw more attention to your listing, especially for items or services you’re eager to sell quickly. If you have further questions about the Featured Listing option or its benefits, feel free to contact our support team for more information.

  • How do I contact the person who posted an ad?

    Connecting with the person who posted an ad is easy and can be done through various methods based on the contact information provided. 

    Here are the ways you can get in touch: 

    1. Contact Button: Most ads on our platform include a “Contact” button directly within the listing. When you click on this button, you’ll have a contact form where you can send a message directly to the lister. This method ensures a secure and organized way of communication. 
    2. Phone Number: If the lister has included a phone number in their listing, you can choose to call or send a text message to that number. This direct method of communication is useful for quick interactions and obtaining immediate responses. 
    3. Additional Contact Means: Some listings may provide alternative contact methods, such as email addresses or social media profiles, in the ad description. You can use these additional means to reach out and inquire about the item or service. 
    4. Community: If you’re a member of the community, you may also have the option to send a personal message through our community platform. Look for messaging features or private message options within your account to initiate a conversation with the lister. 


    When initiating contact, it’s a good practice to provide clear and concise information about your interest or inquiry. If the listing has specific instructions for contacting the seller, be sure to follow those guidelines. Also, keep in mind that being polite and respectful in your communication goes a long way in building a positive interaction. 

    Remember that safety is paramount when connecting with strangers online. Avoid sharing sensitive personal information, and if meeting in person is necessary, choose a public and safe location. 

    If you encounter any difficulties while trying to contact a seller or have concerns about the legitimacy of listing, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance. 

  • What if the seller doesn’t respond?

    We understand that prompt communication is important when considering a purchase or inquiry. If you’ve reached out to a seller through our platform and haven’t received a response, here are a few steps you can take:

    1. Wait a Reasonable Amount of Time: Give the seller some time to respond. Keep in mind that people have varying schedules and may not be able to respond immediately.
    2. Try Different Contact Methods: If you initially reached out through one method (such as the messaging system), consider trying another method if available (like a provided phone number or email address).
    3. Check the Listing Details: Review the listing details to ensure you’ve followed any specific instructions provided by the seller. They may have mentioned preferred contact times or methods.
    4. Resend Your Message: Sometimes messages can get lost or overlooked. It’s acceptable to resend your inquiry or message after a reasonable period, as long as you avoid spamming.
    5. Contact Customer Support: If you’ve tried various methods and still haven’t received a response, you can reach out to our support team for assistance. Provide them with relevant information, including the ad details and your attempts at communication.

    Remember that not all sellers might respond for various reasons, but our goal is to create a positive and reliable platform for interactions. If you encounter persistent issues with unresponsive sellers, please let us know so we can take appropriate actions to ensure a better experience for all users.

  • What if I have a dispute with a buyer or seller?

    In the event of a dispute with a buyer or seller, it’s important to understand that is a platform for connecting individuals, and we do not directly participate in transactions. While we cannot actively mediate or become involved in disputes between users, we can offer some guidance on steps you can take to address the situation:

    • Open Communication: Begin by reaching out to the other party in a respectful and professional manner. Discuss your concerns and try to understand their perspective. Often, clear communication can lead to resolution.
    • Maintain Documentation: Keep records of all communications related to the dispute. This includes messages, emails, and any relevant details. These records can be valuable in clarifying the situation.
    • Seek Mutual Agreement: Strive to reach an agreement that both parties find fair. This might involve compromises or adjustments to the original terms.
    • Consider Professional Help: If the dispute is complex or legal in nature, consulting with legal or professional advisors might be necessary to better understand your rights and options.
    • Personal Mediation: For certain issues, seeking third-party mediation or arbitration services might be an option. This could involve engaging a neutral party to help facilitate a resolution.

    Remember that is a platform that facilitates connections, but the actual transactions and interactions are between individual users. While we encourage a positive and respectful environment, disputes can occur between users independently. We recommend exercising caution and using good judgment when engaging in transactions.

    If you encounter a dispute, our role is to provide general guidance and information. We strongly encourage users to work together to find mutually satisfactory solutions. However, we are not able to intervene in disputes or make binding decisions on their outcomes.

    Ultimately, addressing disputes requires cooperation and open-mindedness from both parties involved.

  • What can I do if I encounter a scam on Classifieds?

    Encountering a scam is concerning, and we take your safety seriously. If you suspect that you’ve come across a scam while using our platform, here’s what you can do to protect yourself and help prevent others from falling victim:

    • Do Not Engage: If something feels off or too good to be true, trust your instincts. Avoid engaging further with the suspicious ad or the person behind it.
    • Stop Communication: If you’ve already been in contact with the potential scammer, cease communication immediately. Do not provide personal or financial information.
    • Report the Ad: Report the listing in question to our support team so that we can review and take appropriate action .
    • Protect Your Personal Information: Be cautious about sharing personal information online, especially financial details. Scammers often attempt to exploit this information for fraudulent purposes.
    • Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with common scam tactics. Scammers might use urgency, requests for upfront payments, and overly favorable offers to lure victims.
    • Trust Your Instincts: If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Be skeptical of deals that seem too good to be true or requests for unusual payments.

    Remember that while we strive to create a secure platform, scammers can be persistent. Your vigilance and awareness are key to safeguarding yourself and others. By promptly reporting suspicious activity, you contribute to maintaining a safe and trustworthy community.

    If you have specific concerns about a particular ad or user, don’t hesitate to contact our support team for guidance. Your safe ty is our priority, and we appreciate your cooperation in keeping our platform scam-free.

  • How do Obituaries work within’s Classifieds Section

    At, we understand the significance of honoring and remembering loved ones. Our Obituaries section within the Classifieds is a dedicated space where you can create lasting tributes. Here’s how it works:

    Details about Obituaries:

    • Timeless Remembrance: Obituaries posted on our platform are intended to serve as everlasting tributes. They remain accessible and viewable indefinitely, ensuring that the memories of your loved ones endure.
    • Comprehensive Content: We offer flexibility in terms of content. You can include up to 12 images to create a visual representation of your loved one’s life. Additionally, there’s no limit to the description, allowing you to share meaningful stories and details.

    Creating an Obituary:

    1. Selecting the Right Category: When creating a new Classified Listing, select the “Obituaries” category as the first step. 
    2. Compose the Tribute: Create a heartfelt obituary by adding images, descriptions, and any additional information you wish to share. The unlimited description allows you to capture the essence of your loved one’s life.
    3. Preview: Before finalizing the obituary, you’ll have the opportunity to preview and review the content to ensure accuracy and completeness.
    4. Publish and Share: Once you’re satisfied with the tribute, publish it to our Obituaries section. This will make it accessible to visitors who wish to remember and pay their respects.

    Lasting Legacy:

    The Obituaries posted on’s Classifieds Section serve as a lasting legacy, offering a space for family, friends, and the community to remember and celebrate the lives of those who have passed away. By providing the option for multiple images and an extensive description, we aim to capture the essence of each individual and their impact on the world.

    Should you have any questions or need assistance while creating an obituary, our support team is here to help. We’re honored to provide a pla tform that allows you to pay tribute to your loved ones in a meaningful and enduring way.

Classifieds Disclaimer:
It is crucial to thoroughly research and verify any products, services, or individuals you encounter in the classifieds section before proceeding with any transactions. As a community-driven platform, we encourage you to communicate directly with the sellers or buyers, ask questions, and request additional information to ensure a secure and satisfactory experience.

Please be aware that does not endorse, guarantee, or have any affiliation with the ads posted in the classifieds section unless explicitly stated otherwise. The content and accuracy of each ad are the sole responsibility of the respective advertisers.

By using this classifieds section, you acknowledge and agree that any transactions conducted on the platform are solely between the involved parties, and assumes no liability for any issues that may arise during or after the transaction.

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions about the Classifieds Section. For technical help regarding classifieds, please visit our help section.


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