In this post, I’ll look at ways to reduce both sensory and responsibility overload in everyday life from a divergent perspective using the following perspectives: Home Maintenance Chore Mitigation Obligation Reduction HOME MAINTENANCE As someone who would never count cleaning among their hobbies, I began to notice just how much of my precious time was […]
Writing is a simple and pure act with minimal tools necessary for its execution.There are as many reasons to write as there are people who write. Some of the best reasons I’ve found to write are: Writing to create order – as with a legal will Writing to honor – composing songs for your beloved, […]
Disclaimer on HonorThis treatise in no way seeks to degrade the honor of the men and women in military communities around the world, who serve with integrity and commitment. It is, instead, an exploration of a culture that venerates sacrifice, particularly the sacrifice of its young to the gods of war. Introduction Those who believe […]
I was so blessed early in 2023 when the author of How to Do the Inner Work, Susanne Madsen reached out and asked me if I would read the new book she was writing. Her last book was The Power of Project Leadership, a beautiful resource for anyone in the project space. How to Do […]
WARRIOR A Warrior, she’s often been, obsessed with other lands. In tending to her freedom, so content to raise her hand. Yet even in the midst of war, surrounded by alone she knew t’was might that brought her here, and sliced her to the bone. This Warrior has sheathed her sword. Its glint may dull, […]
It’s interesting to observe how the holiday season can make us feel more alone. For those of us who feel its bite instead of its embrace, the idea that we “should” be happy, prosperous, and share meals surrounded by friends and family feels like a fairy tale. Even when we do enjoy rewarding relationships, engage […]
Practicing acceptance can be difficult for many of us. Because it goes against our natural inclination to resist change and hold on to what is familiar. It can be hard to let go of our expectations and desires. Or to accept the reality of a situation, especially if it is painful. We may struggle with […]
There is a internal freedom that meditation brings into your life that is soon reflected in your external life. It is hard to see how sitting in one place and doing absolutely nothing can bring about any form of a positive result. However, what comes through practice is a series of side benefits that alter […]