The Art of Effective Follow-Ups: Strategies That Turn Leads into Loyal Clients
Do you have fun and make sales when you’re speaking in front of your ideal clients? Or do you find your heart pounding, your mind blank, and your focus scattered by feelings of inadequacy? Public speaking can be a fun and profitable way to sell your coaching programs. Or it can be scary and discouraging. […]
I recently had the honour of being interviewed by Karaleigh Garrison. She’s an amazing host, with a big focus on helping her listeners to be seen and heard, and to build radiant confidence that draws your ideal clients to you. During this interview, I shared some shifts and strategies you can use to know and […]
Are you losing hours, days, or months to procrastination? Spending all that time, and not having anything to show for it, can be incredibly frustrating and discouraging. And yet, even if you have strategies for preventing it, you might find that it keeps on happening. Why is this? And how can you make it stop? […]
“What do you MEAN humans have an ‘off switch’ that can put us to sleep?” I was having a conversation with Leslie Fiala Urbas, and the subject of sleep had come up. I don’t generally have too much trouble falling asleep, but once in a while, it’s like my brain forgets that it even HAS […]
Are your methods of addressing your clients’ trauma potentially retraumatizing them? I recently had a fascinating conversation with Billie Aadmi, in which she explained how traditional “talk therapy” can actually retraumatize people, without truly healing them. She also shared a method called “Time Line Therapy,” which she says can heal trauma in a single session, […]
Are you sick of being ghosted, or being told “I need to think about it” by your potential clients? You know they need you. You know you can help them. But instead, they walk away – which means they keep struggling, and you keep not getting paid. So how do you break this cycle, and […]
Do your videos bring you clients? When you give your elevator pitch in networking events, do people reach out to you? And do you feel confident and magnetic on camera? Or do you feel nervous and awkward while recording, and let down and discouraged afterward, because you’re spending a lot of time and not getting […]