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Coaches Help Find Blind Spots &Raquo; Shutterstock 1562787703 300X200 1

Coaches Help Find Blind Spots

A dear friend and business colleague once roasted me to a large group about my coaching him on his blind spots. I cried with laughter as he described the pain of these coaching sessions. Frankly, it is painful, yet it is one of the best ways to grow as a person and a professional. I’m […]

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Swot Yourself &Raquo; 21104175 M Scaled 1

SWOT Yourself

There’s a popular business analysis tool known as S.W.O.T. It provides a method for looking at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT reviews are done for business issues of all kinds like competition, market position, product design, sales, and technology. As applied to a business, you can see the merit of doing this review periodically. […]

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7 Strategies For Being A Better Manager &Raquo; 97021674 M Scaled 1

7 Strategies for Being a Better Manager

Most managers get their start because they were good workers. They get recognized as being the best performer on the team. There is nothing wrong with that, except… Being a good manager requires a level of leadership. Without the right training and development, you might find that being a manager is a struggle. “Management is […]

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The 5 C’s Of A Trusted Leader &Raquo; Trusted Leader

The 5 C’s of a Trusted Leader

Successful leaders build trust. Building trust is something you must do. Trust underpins every relationship in the workplace – between boss and employee, between colleagues, and between businesses. Trust isn’t something that is inherent; it must be forged through consistent action. While there are many ways to become a trusted leader, here are some recurring […]

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Silos Leave Potential On The Sidelines &Raquo; Shutterstock 575726659 300X200 1

Silos Leave Potential on the Sidelines

We are still in Alaska enjoying our bucket list trip, and today we have chosen to do some short hikes and sightseeing. We have just taken the tram up the side of the mountain so we can explore the peak. We notice some people who are wearing safety harnesses as we are standing in line […]

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3 Pieces Of (Bad) Leadership Advice Women Get &Raquo; Adobestock 514748062 300X200 1

3 Pieces of (Bad) Leadership Advice Women Get

Women in leadership get a lot of advice, most of it unhelpful. The first step in finding our way is to recognize and reject poor direction, so let’s take a look at three main types of advice served up to women by career gurus: Lean in Aim to please Walk the tightrope 1. Lean in. […]

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A Better Model For Business Ownership Or Exit &Raquo; A Better Model For

A Better Model for Business Ownership or Exit

Want to start a business or transition out of a business? With Over $ 7 TRILLION in small business wealth created and owned by the Boomer generation, there is a huge transfer happening. As Boomers decide to cash out, those businesses will be up for sale or transfer. Younger generations won’t have to struggle as […]

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Embrace The Discomfort: Operating Out Of Your Comfort Zone &Raquo; Photo 1470472304068 4398A9Daab00

Embrace the Discomfort: Operating Out of Your Comfort Zone

Operating outside of your comfort zone is like stepping into uncharted territory. It requires taking risks, facing uncertainty, and pushing yourself beyond your limits. While it may seem daunting, operating out of your comfort zone can lead to personal growth, new opportunities, and a sense of achievement. We all face moments in our lives when […]

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8 Time Management Techniques For Busy People &Raquo; 93120940 M Scaled 1

8 Time Management Techniques for Busy People

<img width="650" height="355" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="" style="margin-bottom: 10px" data-attachment-id="13209" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="2048,1118" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"","camera":"SLT-A65","caption":"glass hourglass is pouring out the sand expires time. Lost time is never found again","created_timestamp":"1511548122","copyright":"","focal_length":"120","iso":"1600","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"glass hourglass is pouring out the sand expires time. Lost time","orientation":"1"}" data-image-title="glass hourglass is pouring out the sand expires time. Lost time" data-image-description="" data-image-caption=" glass hourglass […]

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From Losing To Learning: Why A Growth Mindset Is A Competitive Advantage For Any Leader &Raquo; 2445

From Losing to Learning: Why a Growth Mindset is a Competitive Advantage for Any Leader

Embracing a growth mindset in leadership, where “failure” becomes a “learning opportunity,” empowers individuals and organizations to prioritize growth, problem-solving, and confidence, gaining a competitive edge in our ever-changing world. The post From Losing to Learning: Why a Growth Mindset is a Competitive Advantage for Any Leader appeared first on Authentic Leadership International.

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