May 10th, 2023 Doug Thorpe
Double exposure of elegant businessman and modern busines city with towers and skyscrapers ” data-medium-file=”″ data-large-file=”″ /> Being an effective leader is a constant challenge that requires daily dedication and self-reflection. As owners, entrepreneurs, and executives, we have to make tough decisions every day that can impact not only our businesses but also the people […]
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April 12th, 2023 Doug Thorpe
It’s hard to believe you can run into a successful executive who is 180 off the mark on a certain topic. I once had a client company who was struggling with the aftermath of undergoing a rapid campaign of acquisitions. Eighteen months into post-merger activities they were hemorrhaging money. My job was to reassess certain […]
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March 22nd, 2023 Doug Thorpe
Leading a business involves risk. For some of us, just getting out of bed each day seems like a risk. For others, they can’t get enough of it. Being a risk taker is on the high end of the scale for entrepreneurs and visionaries. Our business culture is full of stories about famous risk-takers. Yet […]
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March 15th, 2023 Doug Thorpe
Everyone has a story. Life is hard (sometimes). We all experience something in life that makes it hard. In addition, if you look around, you will find stories everywhere of how people overcame a gutwrenching circumstance to emerge victorious, coming out the other side. Health concerns, emotional and physical abuse, poverty, poor education, bankruptcy, and […]
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March 8th, 2023 Doug Thorpe
If your desire is to be a better manager at work, at home, or in the community, you may want to develop some actual leadership skills. However, if you are already following certain leadership principles, there is always room for lifting the lid to expand your reach and influence. After many years of working with […]
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March 1st, 2023 Doug Thorpe
For those who have ventured into owning a business, good luck! I mean that seriously, not facetiously. It takes a special person to commit to becoming a successful entrepreneur. There are just so many darn details that can overwhelm you. And, once you get past the start-up phase, you turn to a growth phase. Then […]
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February 22nd, 2023 Doug Thorpe
Here’s the scenario: life throws you a curve ball. Things don’t go your way. You suffer an embarrassing moment in front of colleagues, your spouse or your kids. You lose the deal, the game, the promotion, or the moment. The other guy wins. You failed. What are your responses? Yes, I believe there is more […]
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February 7th, 2023 Doug Thorpe
Author’s NOTE: I wrote the first version of this article in 2018 – a full 2 years BEFORE the whole world locked down and faced the COVID-19 pandemic. Business has not been the same since. At a recent luncheon, I was involved in a discussion that I find becoming more common. The topic was this: […]
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