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Brain Health

Do You Want To Continue To Be Exhausted Or Be Empowered? &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach

Do you want to continue to be Exhausted or be Empowered?

Do you want to continue to be Exhausted or be Empowered?   If you are an Entrepreneur and want to be empowered, you must listen to my interview with Elizabeth Gould, Certified Master Neuroplastician and Best-Selling Author who loves taking entrepreneurs from exhausted to empowered. I know you will find my guest to be super… […]

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Ditch The Bedroom Tv &Raquo; File 5

Ditch The Bedroom TV

Falling asleep and staying asleep are incredibly important for brain health and cognitive function. Sleep may be affected by specific causes of Dementia, but in addition, some studies show that poor sleep might actually contribute to the development of a Dementia. Many people struggle with getting adequate sleep due to various factors, including stress, activity […]

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Protect Your Noggin. You'Re Worth It! &Raquo; File 4

Protect Your Noggin. You’re Worth It!

#TBI #Sports #Dementia #BrainHealth At first, glance, wearing your helmet might seem like pure common sense. Unfortunately, we still see many people these days that aren’t wearing helmets when they are riding a bike, rollerblading, or involved in other outdoor activities. In my clinical work, I see many people that have suffered a mild traumatic […]

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Food For Thought &Raquo; File 6

Food For Thought

The phrase “food for thought” refers to an idea or piece of information worth thinking about. But there is some truth to this phrase when speaking about nutrition and Dementia. Can the food we eat help reduce the risk of developing Dementia and help slow down the progression? Understanding the link between both has been […]

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4 Ways To Cope With A New Dementia Diagnosis &Raquo; File 7

4 Ways to Cope with a New Dementia Diagnosis

First, Dementia is not a disease. That’s news to many people. Instead, Dementia is a syndrome where one or more progressive diseases, conditions, or disorders affect the brain structure sufficiently enough to limit one’s ability to perform activities of daily living, along with a host of other cognitive changes. Yes, that’s a mouthful. And that […]

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Which Physical Exercises Are Best For The Brain? &Raquo; Bigstock Exercise Senior Woman In Swimming Pool 73184653 1

Which Physical Exercises are Best for the Brain?

Not only is exercise crucial for your overall physical and mental wellbeing, but it is also specifically important for maintaining an optimally functioning, healthy brain. Exercise increases the flow of nutrients, blood, and oxygen to the brain, helping to keep it in peak condition and improve your brain health. Exercising regularly can also improve sleep, […]

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