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302 Carol Schaner: A Retail Tale: A Story of Resilience

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Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau302 Carol Schaner: A Retail Tale: A Story of Resilience
  1. 302 Carol Schaner: A Retail Tale: A Story of Resilience Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau 38:33

On the northshore of Chicago, there has existed a magical boutique gift store for 37 years. Its name: The Yellow Bird. Recently the shopping center where it had thrived all those years, was sold to make room for new residential buildings and some commercial. Yellow Bird’s lease was over but Carol was not. Yellow Bird’s owner, Carol Schaner, 87, was not yet ready, however, to lock the door and walk away. She, her daughter and indispensable manager, Laura, were determined to successfully relocate. And, indeed, they did. The Yellow Bird can now be found in downtown Wilmette.

Carol’s handling of the situation is an example of her resilience; of a can-do attitude that has held Carol in good stead over her entire life. She is resilient, courageous, creative and connected. The community loves her and proved it by supporting her in her new location.

What will I do in the future? I’ll continue with everything I am doing now! I am blessed to be here. Joy abounds.

This episode tells her story. 




Yellow Bird Stationery, Invitations & Gifts: 1199 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette IL 60091, 847-256-1380

Gail Zelitzky & Catherine Marienau Women Over 70 - Aging Reimagined

The decades that begin in our 70s require resilience to deal with new challenges, gratitude for living longer, and inspiration to enrich our own and others’ lives. Hosts Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau are two such women. Their stories and the stories of the over 200 women they have interviewed celebrate women’s enduring courage, compassion and contribution. Our compelling stories shatter the myth that we become irrelevant as we age.


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