Dan Wolfe
Five Essential Elements to Being Your Best Self which is on Amazon. I also have a blog on my website https://becoming-the-change.com/ that focuses on the five elements as well as our moral compass. I take a quote and apply what it means to me as it pertains to that element of focus for the blog entry. I’ve written over 900 blogs so far.
Our greatest wealth is our own Mental Health. I believe if academics is the lock then SEL is the key to truly teaching the whole child in Education.
The only thing in life that we can control is ourselves. By reading Becoming the Change and applying its strategies and methods you can become the change you wish to see in the world.
My book Becoming the Change: Five Essential Elements to Being Your Best Self which is on Amazon. I also have a blog on my website https://becoming-the-change.com/ that focuses on the five elements as well as our moral compass. I take a quote and apply what it means to me as it pertains to that element of focus for the blog entry. I’ve written over 900 blogs so far.
Our greatest wealth is our own mental health. I believe if academics is the lock then SEL is the key to truly teaching the whole child in education.
Book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Change-Essential-Elements-Being/dp/B0B2TW64X7
The only thing in life that we can control is ourselves. By reading Becoming the Change and applying its strategies and methods you can become the change you wish to see in the world.
Thriving Educator Podcast HOST: Charle Peck, M.Ed., MSW
*NEW BOOK* Get on the Pre-Sale List: https://thrivingeducator.myflodesk.com/presale
Hire Charle to equip your teachers with mental health tools that easily integrate into their daily practice at your next professional development day. Based on her book: “Improving School Mental Health: The Thriving School Community Solution”
Co-authored with Dr. Cameron Caswell, Teen Translator
*Now available on Amazon*
SPEAKER + COMPANY PROFILE: ThrivingEducator.org
EMAIL: charle@thrivingeducator.org
BIO: Charle Peck is the co-creator of Thriving School Community, a revolutionary program designed for schools to improve mental health. With over 20 years of education and mental health leadership experience, she has the unique lens of both a certified teacher and a licensed clinical therapist specializing in Trauma. Charle holds an MS in Education and an MS in Social Work. Her role as a high school teacher coupled with her work with children and families in crisis gives her incredible insight into solving youth mental health problems stemming from our schools. She is the co-author of Improving School Mental Health: The Thriving School Community Solution and a global keynote speaker delivering powerful messages of hope to educators. Connect with Charle at: charle@thrivingeducator.org and on Twitter at: @CharlePeck
Twitter https://twitter.com/CharlePeck
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Website: ThrivingEducator.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/CharlePeck
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