Dr. Winemaker is a graduate of McMaster University Medical School. She has completed residency training in Family Medicine, and fellowship training in Palliative Medicine. Her clinical work is predominately community based, caring for people in their home. She is an associate clinical professor at McMaster University in the Department of Family Medicine, Division of Palliative Care. She has held multiple leadership roles including McMaster Postgraduate Curriculum Lead, Hospice Medical Director, Regional Palliative Clinical Lead and Medical Lead Palliative Care Outreach Team. She is an active educator and researcher. Most importantly, Dr. Winemaker is an advocate for palliative care reform. She believes strongly that basic principles of palliative care should be the responsibility of all health care providers and integrated into care seemlessly, upstream in the patient’s illness journey. She is the co-creator of the social movement called The Waiting Room Revolution, the co-host of the Waiting Room Revolution podcast, co-authour of the book Hope For The Best Plan For The Rest: 7 Keys for Navigating a Life-Changing Diagnosis, and very active voice on multiple social media platforms. She has won numerous awards for her leadership and palliative care Education for health care professionals.