Getting Out of Your Own Way with LauraAura
- Getting Out of Your Own Way with LauraAura Christine Van Bloem 48:45
After navigating a successful 16-year run with her branding agency, LauraAura found herself at a crossroads during the challenges of COVID-19. Our meeting at an online workshop set the stage for today's conversation, where Laura shares the emotional journey of letting go of her team and rediscovering what truly fulfills her. Together, we unpack the resilience and self-reflection required to face major career shifts and how Laura's path led her to become an inspiring coach for women seeking more out of life.
Ever wonder how embracing your authentic self could transform your life? We dive into the power of shedding societal conditioning and the Stress-reducing magic of being true to ourselves. LauraAura outlines practical steps to unlock your deepest desires with a combination of tough love and unwavering support. From one-on-one Coaching to the vibrant Gutsy Collective community, discover how a journey toward authenticity can profoundly enhance your Relationships and personal well-being.
We also explore the liberating effects of midlife, where superficial concerns fade, and true fulfillment takes center stage. Revel in personal stories about breaking free from societal expectations and how this newfound freedom boosts confidence and creativity. As we wrap up the episode, enjoy a lighthearted chat about simple pleasures like chicken salad and the quirky dream of a nacho cheese fountain. You'll leave feeling inspired to embark on your own journey toward genuine self-discovery and Growth.
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FB: @emptynestkitchen
IG: @TheEmptyNestKitchen
Linked In: @christinevanbloem