Episode 109: Ernest Ellender, PhD & (a) His Book, This Is How We Heal from Painful Childhoods: A Practical Guide for Healing Past Intergenerational Stress and Trauma & (b) Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington
Ernest Ellender worked in the fields of psychology, life Coaching, and martial arts for over 25 years before authoring his first book entitled “This Is How We Heal from Painful Childhoods: A Practical Guide for Healing Past Intergenerational Stress and Trauma.” His advanced martial arts training combined with his doctorate in clinical psychology to produce his effective skills-building curriculum for healing past childhood traumas and family dysfunction. Ernest was raised in Louisiana’s Cajun communities that celebrate family life and a close connection to nature, and he spends his free time enjoying the wonderful Cajun cuisine, marshlands, beaches, and local microbreweries of south Louisiana with his family and friends.
The MAIN QUESTION underlying my conversation with Ernest is, What does your intentional
process and practice for healing look like?
LinkedIn – Full Podcast Article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/episode-109-ernest-ellender-phd-his-book-how-we-heal-john-m–iibdf/?trackingId=mbJaytKBQ7aLHNjQMO0UXg%3D%3D
00:00 – The Book Leads Podcast
00:53 – Introduction & Bio – Ernest Ellender
02:27 – Who are you today? Can you provide more information about your work?
05:57 – Ernest’s life coaching specialization.
07:48 – The connection between martial arts and psychology. (More at 39:00)
10:42 – What “respectful aggression” means.
16:53 – How did your path into your career look like, and what did it look like up until now?
26:45 – What draws Ernest to the field of trauma and family dysfunction.
41:12 – How does the work you’re doing today reconcile to who you were as a child?
43:34 – What does leadership mean to you?
45:05 – Can you introduce us to the book we’re discussing?
45:47 – Can you provide a general overview of the book (Ernest’s Book)?
47:34 – What made Ernest write his book.
50:20 – An overview and breakdown of the chapters in the book.
01:18:43 – What evolved in you in the process of writing the book?
01:28:45 – What’s next for your writing?
01:30:16 – An overview of Booker T. Washington’s book and why Ernest chose to discuss that book as well.
01:46:13 – The lessons readers can take from Booker T. Washington’s book.
01:57:03 – What are you up to these days? (A way for guests to share and market their projects and work.)
This series has become my Masterclass In Humanity. I’d love for you to join me and see what you take away from these conversations.
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