At its core, Powerlifting competitions aim to find the strongest person in the room by pitting lifters against each other in the categories of squat, benchpress and deadlift.
On this week’s episode, Sasha goes deep with Matthew Taylor, a world champion power lifter who discovered the sport as a teenager. In 2014, he set a national squat record in Canada and won his division at the Powerlifting World Championships. However, Matthew’s story is about much more than physical strength, In 2022 an autoimmune condition relegated him to the sidelines and forced him to reevaluate his life and training goals, including his dreams of squatting 500 pounds and deadlifting 600 pounds, raising the question, what truly makes a person strong? You can find Matt’s company, Stronger You Personal Training, online at and on Instagram @StrongerYouPT
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