Saturday - June 29th, 2024
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Speaking to Influence

When you speak, do you want to inspire others and be recognized as a true leader? Do you want to feel more confident, have greater influence, and get bigger results? This is the show for executives, business owners and leaders who need to command the room, connect with their audience and close the deal.

Join host Dr. Laura Sicola, communication and influence expert, as she interviews world-class business and industry leaders, who reveal the importance of strong communication skills in their success and the (sometimes hard) lessons they learned along the way. You’ll gain insights into confident public speaking, conflict management, executive presence, and more!

For more information, visit 

To book Laura as a guest or speaker email

253 episodes
Most Recent Episodes

In this episode, Dr. Laura Sicola discusses the importance of crafting a clear and compelling elevator pitch. She deconstructs several examples of effective elevator pitches and highlights the key...

In this episode, Dr. Laura Sicola discusses the importance of crafting a clear and compelling elevator pitch. She deconstructs several examples of effective elevator pitches and highlights the key...

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