1. Leadership 360: Thriving With The Forgotten Middle Ground With Russel Lolacher Elizabeth Bachman 30:26

True leadership goes beyond titles. It involves a strong commitment to supporting not only the top performers or those who are struggling but also the often neglected group in the middle. In this episode, we have Russel Lolacher talk about the nuances of effective leadership and its impact on organizational success. Russell addresses the misconception that a leadership title alone defines a leader. He discusses the vital distinction between responsibility and leadership, emphasizing the importance of creating an environment that fosters growth, respect, and the development of future leaders. He also highlights the importance of focusing on the “missing middle” and nurturing the core workforce, who are often overlooked but consistently contribute without recognition. Listen now and lead with purpose!

Elizabeth Bachman Presentation Skills Trainer

Elizabeth Bachman is THE go-to person for advanced level training in Speaking, Presentation Skills, and Leadership. With a lifetime spent perfecting the art of presenting, she helps high-level clients show up as a leader who should be followed, promoted or hired, thus getting the recognition they deserve.

A sought-after speaker and strategist in Silicon Valley, nationally and internationally, Elizabeth works with leaders and influencers who need to become concise and compelling presenters. She helps them present as smart, down-to-earth, loose, friendly—even funny—and still be taken seriously.

Elizabeth is the host of the international podcast: Speakers Who Get Results, where she interviews experts on presentation skills, leadership, visibility, and cross-cultural communication.

Having spent over 30 years directing such luminaries as Luciano Pavarotti & Placido Domingo in more than 50 operas around the world, Elizabeth brings a wealth of tools to help business professionals become respected presenters. Fluent in 5 languages, she brings her global experience to her clients.