1. Mark Willis | Banking on Yourself, Uninterrupted Compound Growth, & Kickstarting Your Financial Future David Pasqualone / Mark Willis 1:05:40

“The rich plan for four generations, but the poor plan for Saturday night.” – Gloria Steinem


Have you heard the one about the twenty-something man with a master's degree who could only find a job cleaning the bottom of elevators? You know, the one where he was in hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt, credit card debt, and all sorts of other debt, and saw no way out.

In this episode you're going to learn how this overwhelming debt not only brought strife and conflict into his marriage, but how they were suffocated to the bottom of their finances until they figured their way out.  And not only does today's guests talk about becoming his own bank, the power of compound interest, and how he is now able to leave a legacy now to his children and help other people get out too, but he's going to show you how to do it too! Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Mark Willis story! 



Guest Info:

  • Website: https://lakegrowth.com/
  •  YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw-DvhKT2EaPFdncLy39LIQ

Special Offer for RPP Listeners:

  • Book a free 15-minute phone introduction strategy session with Mark Willis at https://kickstartwithmark.com

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Have a Remarkable day, I'm looking forward to Hanging Out together with you soon, and see you at the top! 💪

Ascending Together,
David Pasqualone


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David Pasqualone is a born again believer in God, father of 2 amazing teens, a life-long learner, self-appointed Guinea pig for anything he promotes. A Marketing Guru and Professional Coach by day. A Podcast Host and cigar enthusiast by night.

David loves motivating people and organizations to clarify their purpose, mission, and vision. To lead them out of the confusion of the world, and into the light so they can know clarity, get excited about their purpose, and achieve the vision set before them.

Leading by example, David inspires those around him to be the best version of themselves, take action to “DO” what they need to do each day, and steadfastly see their purpose through to completion!

To learn more about what David believes and why, checkout his website at https://DavidPasqualone.com

For a professional look at David and some of his experiences, visit his digital resume on LinkedIn. For a more personal look at David’s life, feel free to visit his Facebook page. Or, check out The Remarkable People Podcast to really get a feel for who David is.