It wasn’t that long ago that my sons were in their teens and the world has changed so much even since then. Teens face more and different challenges than we could have imagined when we were their age, and those challenges are doing a number on their confidence.
What’s one of the biggest confidence crises they’re facing today?
I had a fascinating conversation with Emily McCavanagh—fitness expert, teen confidence coach, and overall powerhouse—about that very thing. If you’re a parent, coach, or anyone who cares about the next generation, you’ll want to tune in, because we tackled that and so much more because while you might be tempted to point the finger at social media, that’s only part of it.
Sure, scrolling can lead to that toxic comparison game, but Emily peeled back the layers and got to the heart of it: teens are terrified of failing. And when you’re too scared to fail, you never take the risks that build real confidence.
What I love about Emily’s work is how she flips the script on leadership. Her teen athlete Captain’s Collaborative program isn’t about being the toughest or most talented—it’s about being compassionate, courageous, and consistent. It’s leadership with heart, and it’s a total game-changer for young athletes who are expected to lead just because they’re good at their sport.
Spoiler alert: being really good at something doesn’t mean you’re inevitably confident at it!
Emily is on a mission to create a new generation of leaders—ones who aren’t just strong on the field but empathetic, courageous, and ready to lift others up. And come on – who doesn’t want more of that in the world?
Highlights from our conversation include: