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August 4th, 2024

EP 84: Real Confidence- Grateful to be Proud

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Alyssa DverEP 84: Real Confidence- Grateful to be Proud
  1. EP 84: Real Confidence- Grateful to be Proud Alyssa Dver 14:56

In today’s look-at-me social media world, it’s incredibly easy to get distracted by what others have and what we think we’re missing out on.

For example, I sometimes catch myself wishing for a nicer car or the newest gadget. But then I pause and think, “Wait a minute, I have a pretty great life with what I’ve got.” I remind myself of how lucky I am, especially compared to so many others in the world who have far less. 

And there are some things we can be grateful for that we often don’t think about but connect to confidence in an important way.

Like pride.

Growing up, I was taught that being proud was a negative thing, that it was selfish and could intimidate others. But wow, what a warped perspective that was! 

Pride is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s something we should embrace. Think about it: being proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished is a key component of confidence.

For example, I’m proud of my kids and their confidence. I’m proud of the two successful companies I’ve built. I’m proud of the beautiful home and pool we’ve created, and our efforts to be environmentally conscious by installing solar panels. It’s not just about physical things or achievements, though. I’m proud of the network I’ve built, the friends I have, and the person I’ve become.

Still, there are days – or weeks – when it feels like everything is wrong. At times like those, I rely on two exercises that we teach at ACI that are designed to remind us of what’s true and anchor us in our core values, needs, and wants, so if there is a gap, we’re also confident we know where to take action that will bring us back to center.

They’re simple, but powerful, almost always lead to profound insights and personal Growth and I’m going to walk you through them in this episode. So get a pen and paper ready, and be proud of yourself. 

Alyssa Dver Confidence Crusader & Neuro Nerd

Confidence Crusader, Neuro Nerd and Success Equalizer, Alyssa Dver leads the American Confidence Institute and the global association ERG Leadership Alliance that directly helps all workplaces be more diverse, equitable and inclusive. She received a Stevie Award for Thought Leadership, has two TEDx talks, hosts the popular podcasts Real Confidence and Distilled Confidence, and authored 8 expert-endorsed books including “Confidence is a Choice: Real Science. Superhero Impact.” and “ERG Intelligence.” She can be seen delivering 150+ talks each year, coaching at MIT and Wharton innovation centers and as spokesperson for both L’Oreal’s IT Cosmetics brand and The American Distilling Institute.


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