1048-Friday Q&A: Joining a Family Business, Franchises, Pushing Children to Excel, CPS at the Door, Budgeting after a Windfall
- 1048-Friday Q&A: Joining a Family Business, Franchises, Pushing Children to Excel, CPS at the Door, Budgeting after a Windfall Joshua Sheats 1:15:22
On today’s Q&A show we discuss:
- 1:30 Should I join the family business or go my own way?
- 21:54 Should I pursue a Franchise business?
- 28:47 Should we push our children to excel in areas they aren’t naturally skilled or interested?
- 47:05 Additional comments on how to deal with CPS at your door
- 1:06:37 My windfall income is decreasing…how do I start budgeting now?