757 | Dana Parker & April Millar
Dana Parker, is a Leadership and Empowerment Coach. As a coach with over a decade of experience, in Coaching thousands of individuals all over the world, she has found a particular love and passion in empowering aspiring female leaders to step into being leaders in their personal, home, and work life. She uses her unique combination of intuition and Personal Development tools to give each individual she works with a power-filled experience in reconnecting with their empowered authentic selves.
April Millar is an Astrologer, certified card reader, Toe Reader, abundance mentor, AND an expert chocolate chip cookie eater. She spent a decade as a doula and childbirth educator, additionally birthing 5 amazing children of her own, all from the comfort of her own home. She loves using astrology in child rearing and she is quickly becoming a specialist in parenting with astrology.
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