Happy 7th Birthday to the Sunday Basket®, let’s all break out in song. Just kidding…I am so excited to tell you the Paper Organization Certification course is 20% off till April 1st. Once you have finished the certification and get your license, you can charge for your services and receive 30% commission on products you sell.
Once upon a time I was a very frustrated mama. Joey was only 6 months old and Abby was 2. Lil Joey didn’t like to nap very long and I had a pile of actionable papers but no time to go through them much less accomplish anything. One night the Sunday Basket® was born. I knew the more planned, organized, and efficient with my time I could multiply the amount of tasks I could conquer. Links below to hear the evolution of the Sunday Basket®.
Once the Sunday Basket® took off and people were implementing it in their lives they were longing for more training. So I started to offer workshops. But I knew in my heart of hearts that with the Growth of my company, there would not be enough Lisa one day. That’s when the opportunity to become a certified paper organizer started to be offered.
Some people can DIY it and implement it successfully. Some people, like me, prefer 1:1 explanations and don’t mind paying for the speed of implementation. And yet others want to be tricked into it with a little get together, snacks, music, and friends. I used to be a part of Creative Memories, a scrapbooking company. I loved our monthly Friday night workshops and envisioned the certified organizers taking a playbook from Creative Memories. We had such rich connections and were really doing life with each other. And with simply learning to ask “Can this wait till Sunday?” you have a safe place to hold all your actionable papers till Sunday and externalize all the things you want to do.
When people come to the paper organizing retreats that are just one day mind you, they walk away with friends. It is a non-judgmental space. It’s a safe place to ask questions about the paper you have with you. Lots of times another attendee has organized the type of paper in question. And it’s through those conversations that friendships are developed.
Depending on the stage of life you are in, it can be really hard to make friends. I think of how my mom and myself have made friends over the years. I have never really been in the phase of life to plan or attend girls nights out. Those Creative Memory workshops were that for me. And the Paper Organizing Retreat or the other in person event may be that for you. 50% of the people attending are usually settling an Estate which can be isolating and lonely and sometimes it’s their spouses. You can’t make friends in the walls of your homes. 5 years after COVID, it’s time to get back to in person events. People are in need of people more than ever right now. And it’s us, the people and community of Organize 365® that makes it so unique.
So if you are interested, you have the heart of a teacher or a friend, and you want to become a Certified Paper Organizer now is your time!! You will be certified in the Sunday Basket®, and the Financial, Medical, Household Reference, and Household Operation Binders. Once you are certified, you can even add on certifications like The Friday Workbox®, Teacher Workbox, and The Productive Home solution. We need more certified paper organizers! If you want to take it a step further, become a professional organizer; we have a course for that too called POTT START, check it out. If you just need to talk it out or ask more questions please reach out to customer service at customerservice@organize365.com.
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