1. Corporate Negotiation: Knowing What You’re Worth With Elissa D. Hecker Rosie Zilinskas 46:51

When negotiating, women tend to negotiate with themselves first. This usually doesn’t end well because women tend to think they’re not good enough or don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. These are all mindsets you need to let go of. Understand your worth and go from there.


Join Rosie Zilinskas as she talks to Elissa D. Hecker, your Go-To General Counsel. Learn how she helps men and women negotiate for a better price, job, or life. Find out how you can create a negotiation plan so you can always come out on top. Discover a few power phrases you can use in your next negotiation. Stop negotiating with yourself and start understanding what you’re worth.

Rosie Zilinskas Leadership Coach, Podcaster

Rosie Zilinskas is a leadership coach and expert in “Career Progression.” She is an executive vice president specializing in high-net-worth personal insurance, with just under 30 years of experience climbing the corporate ladder.

Rosie is an international bilingual speaker, executive career coach, podcast host, author, and corporate trainer. She appeared on podcasts, such as “Bravehearts Radio,” “The Driven Entrepreneur,” and “Lead at any Level.” She was also a featured storyteller at “The People Tree.”

Rosie is the creator of the Corporate Ladder Kickstart Formula, which helps individuals take command of their profession. She has helped dozens of people obtain the promotion they sought to shred the frustration of a dead-end position. Rosie is a first-generation Mexican American and fluent in Spanish. She is living proof that you really can have it all and move up the ladder of success despite the odds.