This reel captures the exact moment I decided that my physical goal for my 60s would be to achieve one unassisted pull-up.
I was interviewing @ginnymaccoll for @vivafifty back in March of 2024 and, while I had long admired her Ninja Warrior achievements in her 70s—and loved her pull-up story in her 60’s—I hadn’t yet set a specific goal for this decade. In my 40s, it was completing a half marathon. In my 50s, it was mastering a freestanding handstand. I achieved both.
I’m so thankful I didn’t know then that only about 20% of women can do a pull-up, even after training. Today I Googled the percentage for women over 60—it’s even smaller.
At the time, I was still recovering from a torn rotator cuff, but I felt strong enough to give it a shot. Honestly, I assumed it would take me over a year, maybe longer, and I was okay with that.
Even if I never reached the goal—and at times, it felt like I wouldn’t—at least I had tried.
But yesterday… I did it. And I almost cried. I was thrilled, shocked and elated.
I thought back to this moment (which I had to dig through a YouTube video to find! – link in bio) and how I had set a goal that truly felt unattainable. Taking action has never been an issue for me, but believing I could actually succeed at this? That was the challenge.
Ginny, thank you for the inspiration and motivation that made me believe in the possibility—because once I did, everything changed.
Now I feel like I can do anything. And, of course, that means I need a new goal… maybe four pull-ups with better form? Who knows!
You never know who you might inspire to reach for something they never thought possible.
It is NEVER too late to set new goals and work toward them!
Who has inspired YOU to pursue a goal lately?
#pullups #ginnymaccoll #thisis61 #over50andfit #over60andfit #over70andfit #fitnessinfluencer #yogateacher #ninjawarrior