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February 19th, 2025

Being sick in the U.S. vs Spain

I’m currently sick in Madrid and today I had to cancel seeing two of my best friends, whom I’ve thankfully already seen on this trip. (Español más abajo)

After coughing all night, my ribs hurting and my chest being on fire, I told them how I was feeling and neither of them thought of saying let’s call it off. Quite the contrary! 😂

I really had to make the case for my staying home and resting. One of them offered to come spend time with me and I was like no, that’s not the point. I should not be talking at all and you should not be with me in case you get whatever I have too, lol.

Nobody cares if you’re sick here, it’s normal to go out with friends and just live your life unless you have one foot in the grave 💀.

I also had to think “what would I do in the US.?” Well, even if I just had a sore throat, I would most likely not go to the gym, to improv or meet with friends. Furthermore, they would definitely not want to hang out with me!

The way I am, I immediately thought of making this reel before I go back to bed for the rest of the day. I need to catch a plane on Saturday (hopefully it lands ok!), and take care of myself.

If you’re bicultural, can you relate? 😂

#bicultural #Spainisdifferent #Spanishculture #sickinSpain #comedy #sarcasm #funreel

Estoy enferma en Madrid y hoy tuve que cancelar quedar con dos de mis mejores amigas, a quienes, por suerte, ya había visto en este viaje. Después de toser toda la noche, con las costillas doliéndome y el pecho ardiendo, les conté cómo me sentía y ninguna pensó en decirme "mejor lo dejamos". ¡Al contrario!

Tuve que insistir para quedarme en casa y descansar. Una de ellas incluso me ofreció venir a hacerme compañía, y yo en plan: no, eso no es. No debería estar hablando en absoluto, y tú no deberías estar conmigo por si te contagias de lo que sea que tengo, jaja.

Aquí a nadie le importa si estás enferma, es normal salir con amigas y seguir con tu vida a menos que estés con un pie en la tumba, 😂

También tuve que pensar: “¿qué haría en USA (donde vivo ahora).?” Pues, aunque solo tuviera dolor de garganta, probablemente no iría al gimnasio, ni a improvisación, ni quedaría con amigas. Y además, ¡ellas definitivamente no querrían quedar conmigo!

Enseguida pensé en hacer este reel antes de volver a la cama el resto del día. Tengo que coger un avión el sábado (¡esperemos que aterrice bien!) y cuidarme.

Si eres bicultural, ¿te identificas? 💀

Lorraine C. Ladish Digital Content Creator

Lorraine C. Ladish, a Spanish-American residing in Sarasota, Florida, is a prominent figure in women's empowerment. As the publisher of, she leads a bilingual online community celebrating life at 50+. With a diverse background, Lorraine has authored books on various topics and transitioned to online content creation in 2009. In 2014 she became a digital influencer, recognized by major publications like Oprah Daily. At 60, Lorraine continues to set goals, challenging age stereotypes. Her writing has been featured in renowned publications, emphasizing her commitment to combating ageism and inspiring positivity across generations.


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