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8 Reasons I work out at 60

At 60 I can’t even begin to tell you how glad I am that I started young. It’s just a habit now. If I don’t move, I get stiff, my mood suffers, and I lose my mojo. (Español abajo)

Despite illnesses, bedrest during pregnancy and injuries throughout my life, I have always enjoyed working out. I was a fitness instructor in my 20s and 30s, an amateur dancer (I still do it on occasion), a lifelong runner, and a yogi. I got my RYT-500 certification in my mid-fifties.

Now that I’m pain-free finally from my rotator cuff injury I am so happy to also be weight training again.

A question I get a lot is “how do I stay motivated”? For me it’s second nature to work out, but if that’s not you, I would suggest doing what my husband (NOT a gym rat and not an athletic person at all) @phildiederich does – pick your reasons for working out (he wants to age without as many aches and pains as he would have if he didn’t move), and do it say, 3 times a week.

Phil doesn’t always feel like going to the gym, but he’s disciplined. I admire him so much for that. I never tell him to work out longer or more days a week. I’m happy that he does something (and has been doing it since after we met) for his health and fitness. I can’t expect him to be crazy into it, as I am.

So at your level of comfort, pick your reasons and muster up some good old discipline and go for it. Any Exercise is better than none.
What are your reasons for working out?

#over50andfit #over60andfit #fitnesstrainer #yogainstructor #thisis60 #activeaging #proaging #flyageless #artinaging #proaging #agepositive #over40andfit #movementislife #mujeresde50 #mujeresde60

A los 60, ni siquiera puedo empezar a decirte lo contenta que estoy de haber empezado joven. Ahora es simplemente un hábito. Si no me muevo, me entumezco, mi humor se resiente y pierdo mi chispa.

A pesar de enfermedades, reposo durante el embarazo y lesiones a lo largo de mi vida, siempre he disfrutado haciendo ejercicio. Fui instructora de fitness en mis veinte y treinta, bailarina aficionada (aún lo hago de vez en cuando), corredora de toda la vida y yogui. Conseguí mi certificación RYT-500 a mediados de mis cincuenta.

Ahora que por fin estoy libre de dolor por mi lesión del manguito rotador, estoy feliz de poder volver a entrenar con pesas.

Una pregunta que me hacen mucho es "¿cómo me mantengo motivada"? Para mí, hacer ejercicio es algo natural, pero si eso no va contigo, sugeriría hacer lo que hace mi marido (que NO es un fanático del gimnasio y no es para nada atlético) @phildiederich – escoge tus motivos para hacer ejercicio (él quiere envejecer sin tantos achaques y dolores como tendría si no se moviera), y hazlo, digamos, 3 veces a la semana.

Phil no siempre tiene ganas de ir al gimnasio, pero es disciplinado. Lo admiro por eso. Nunca le digo que ejercite más tiempo o más días a la semana. Me alegra que haga algo (y ha estado haciéndolo desde que nos conocimos) por su salud y forma física. No puedo esperar que se involucre al mismo nivel que yo.

Así que, según tu nivel de comodidad, escoge tus motivos, ejerce un poco de disciplina y lánzate. Cualquier ejercicio es mejor que ninguno.

¿Cuáles son tus motivos para hacer ejercicio?

Lorraine C. Ladish Digital Content Creator

Lorraine C. Ladish, a Spanish-American residing in Sarasota, Florida, is a prominent figure in women's empowerment. As the publisher of, she leads a bilingual online community celebrating life at 50+. With a diverse background, Lorraine has authored books on various topics and transitioned to online content creation in 2009. In 2014 she became a digital influencer, recognized by major publications like Oprah Daily. At 60, Lorraine continues to set goals, challenging age stereotypes. Her writing has been featured in renowned publications, emphasizing her commitment to combating ageism and inspiring positivity across generations.


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