Welcome back to the Billy Merritt podcast, Part 2! Billy shares his journey in LA and his return to FL. So grateful to have the opportunity to interview this improv great!
After working as a clinical social worker for over 30 years, I discovered the joy of Improvisational Theatre Games. Before that I presented classes and workshops on "The Healing Power of Laughter and Play" throughout the US and abroad. Since the 1970's I was trained as a New Games Referee from the New Games Foundation. But when I had my first class in improv I realized how therapeutic it is and began using improv in my clinical practice and special groups such as Improv for Anxiety and Improv for people with Parkinson's disease. In addition, I created class for several National Association for Social Workers (NASW) conference such as Fl. NASW, NJ NASW, OK NASW and corporations. There is viable research showing that improv helps with cognitive functioning, memory, decrease of anxiety and socialization. I'm delighted to teach folks of all ages this wonderful way to chase the blues away!
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