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Imperfect Mommying: Better Parenting through Self-Healing with Alysia Lyons

Our children aren’t listening to the lecture, they are watching the show. They are looking to you for examples of how to live; absorbing lessons from the unconscious ways in which we navigate the world. So what can we do? We can make sure that we are functioning from a place of self-awareness, and that we are demonstrating healthy relationships with ourselves and others. It’s not as simple as setting an intention to model those behaviors because guess what? We also learned how to operate from our experiences observing our parents.

This show is about personal development, and self-healing as means to show up better in our lives, and in turn, become better role models for our children. Life doesn’t come with a manual, but it does come with a mom! Alysia Lyons is the Mom Support Coach, helping moms like you find more joy in their lives and become the people they want their kids to look up to. If you’re looking for extra support, join the countless women who have transformed their parenting styles and found more joy in their lives through working with Alysia directly. Schedule your free consultation at today!

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