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November 6th, 2024

Smalltown Pa to Vietnam to Col with Lou Seelig

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HomeFront SitrepSmalltown Pa to Vietnam to Col with Lou Seelig
  1. Smalltown Pa to Vietnam to Col with Lou Seelig HomeFront Sitrep 1:10:02

Lou Seelig is the embodiment of the American dream. He was born in a small town of Honesdale, PA to first generation immigrant parents. He learned humility and determination while raised as the oldest boy of nine children from a modest family. He also learned courage as an infantry platoon leader in Vietnam being awarded a Purple Heart and Bronze Star. He overcame a below average start at school to become the Comptroller for President Reagan’s missile defense program “Star Wars”. While a senior fellow at the National Defense University he a wrote a controversial book “Resource Management In Peace and War” predicting Desert Strom four years before it occurred. Success has always been a driving factor for Lou, but he found out late in his career that he needed to redefine success.

Lou and his wife Jean’s families came from humble backgrounds in Europe and immigrated to the US for various social and economic reasons. Their ancestors brought with them little else but their values, customs, and cultures that were passed down generation after generation. Intrigued as a child by the many undocumented stories told around the dinner table and other festive occasions, Lou undertook an investigation of his family past after retiring, to help better understand himself. He also wanted to document his findings for his siblings, children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews so they would benefit from his research and appreciate the rich but humble family history. The documentation resulted in his writing the book “Need to Succeed” initially published in 2003 and republished in 2021 including family pictures. Lou wants to share his genealogical approach with people interested in searching their own family history. His hopes are that the presentation will provide information on the how-to of genealogy presentation for those conducting their own family search.

David Willis HomeFront Sitrep Podcast

My name is David Willis, I knew at a very early age that I was going into the military but didn’t know what branch. As I got older and started learning about each branch and quickly figured out that the Marines was the best. I served in the Marine Corps from 97-04. My MOS was 0311(infantry). I went to Paris Island for boot camp after boot camp I was stationed with 2nd blt 8th Marines Golf company. While with 2/8 I went on several deployments to port a prince Haiti, Okinawa, South Korea, Greece, also did two trips to Bridgeport California for cold weather training, I wasn’t going to make a Mediterranean float so I extended and joined 1st blt 8th Marines Bravo company. During my time there we deployed to the Mediterranean and had stops in Spain, Italy, Malta, Africa, and other ports. I got out of the Marines in August of 01, but 9/11 happened and was recalled to go back in where I was stationed with a mobilization support battalion and deployed.



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