Happiness journey with Dr Dan podcast: Season 25 Ep 10: Special Guest and expert in science of positive psychology, Leighton Campbell
- Happiness journey with Dr Dan podcast: Season 25 Ep 10: Special Guest and expert in science of positive psychology, Leighton Campbell Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD 29:45
Have you ever wanted to find happiness, become happier, or just protect your naturally happy disposition? In the new book: Your Happiness Equation, author Leighton Campbell guides readers through that and more!
Leighton Campbell is a devoted husband, father of four, successful entrepreneur, and world traveler. As a two-time author, he draws from his diverse experiences to offer fresh insights and inspiration. Now, he invites
you to join him on his latest journey. Come along and embark on a path to discovering true happiness.
#drdanamzallag, #drdanpodcast, #Happinessjourneywithdrdan,
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