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175 Dr. Jonathon Hill: How Applied Epigenetics May Extend Your Healthspan

  1. 175 Dr. Jonathon Hill: How Applied Epigenetics May Extend Your Healthspan Dr. Gillian Lockitch 36:43

In EPISODE 175 OF GROWING OLDER LIVING YOUNGER with Dr. Jonathon Hill, VP of Science and Technology at Wasatch Biolabs, we explore the importance of epigenetics in understanding and combating unhealthy Aging and the so-called aging-associated disorders. He explains how epigenetic effects such as DNA methylation, hydroxy-methylation and addition of histones, significantly impact gene expression and overall health. Dr. Hill highlights Wasatch Biolabs’ work on developing tools for detecting neuro-degeneration from blood tests, potentially allowing for early Alzheimer’s detection. We discuss the role of Lifestyle in epigenetic changes and the future of personalized medicine, using genetic and epigenetic data to guide individual health decisions.

Episode Timeline

0:01 Introduction of Dr. Jonathon Hill

4:09 Simple overview of epigenetics

10:25  How epigenetic science became the research focus

12:30 Applications and the future of epigenetic testing

14:46 Lifestyle influences on epigenetic effects

25:33 AI and data analysis in epigenetics

28:46 The future of epigenetic based personalized medicine

33:31 Key takeaways and closing remarks

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Get to know Your Host: Dr. Gillian Lockitch

Learn about the work of Dr. Jonathon Hill and Wasatch BioLabs

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Dr. Gillian Lockitch is an international speaker, author of Growing Older, Living Younger: The Science of Aging Gracefully and The Art of Retiring Comfortably, and host of the Growing Older, Living Younger Podcast. As a dual-certified Specialist in Paediatrics and Medical Biochemistry and Professor at the University of British Columbia, her professional career was rooted in science. During her rehabilitation from life-saving emergency spinal surgery, her passion to be able to dance again led her to explore the intersection of medical and epigenetic science with non-Western healing traditions, to understand how to change aging at the cellular level. Within the Growing Older, Living Younger Project, the Change Your Aging Masterplan cycle is a year-long 3 part coaching program to preserve mind and brain, build your best body, and to survive and thrive in your environment. At 70 Dr. Lockitch became a first time entrepreneur, building a global online business with the premiere wellness and beauty company, to help others extend their healthspan, stay vibrant, active, and independent as they age. Now retired from medical practice, Dr. Lockitch is an empathetic coach and mentor but does not diagnose, treat or prescribe for medical diseases.


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