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March 27th, 2024 Mature Content

Interview 63- The Journey Within: A Soldiers Tale, Army Retired Frank Demith

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  1. Interview 63- The Journey Within: A Soldiers Tale, Army Retired Frank Demith Bryan Roof 1:15:21

After twenty-eight years on active duty, Army veteran Frank Demith is turning to a new career path: writing. His debut novel, Of Vital Interest, is a fast-paced, exciting book perfect for lovers of Vince Flynn.Demith, now retired, is taking advantage of his free time by investing in the hobby he’s always enjoyed. As an avid writer, Demith has already written three complete novels although Of Vital Interest is his first to be published. “They say ‘write what you know’ so that’s what I did,” Demith shares when talking about the inspiration behind his voracious writing. “Unfortunately, I thought it would be too difficult to get approval from the State Department for the first two books I wrote. Third time’s a charm!” Demith worked on the Department of the Army team that developed the Army Interpreter/Translator Program and is well-known among many who have worked within the Department of Defense. His experience in working with Army Interpreter/ Translators served as the inspiration for the plot in Of Vital Interest; a story of two Iraqi Americans trained to become expert linguists and U.S. soldiers. Demith’s novel was named a first-place winner of the International Impact Book Awards in the Military Category in Fall 2023. This prestigious award is hosted by professionals in the publishing industry who select winners using a scoring system based on multiple factors, including story, quality of writing, quality of editing, cover design, layout design, and overall book production. The award feels well-deserved considering Demith’s extensive expertise in the subject matter. The story relies heavily on Demith’s military experience with themes of bravery and loyalty to the mission and country laced throughout the story. Demith’s characters find themselves returning to Iraq during a time of war, faced with moral questions about what it means to follow orders. “There are strong themes of good vs. evil in this story,” Demith says. “And there are very strong, relatable characters that I hope readers can learn from even if they can’t exactly relate to them.” This highly original take on the classic military novel offers something new for fans of action and pulp fiction. Complete with compelling characters, and a mystery at its center, Of Vital Interest can be enjoyed by everyone. Frank Demith’s debut novel was released on December 5, 2023. You can view more information or purchase a copy on or anywhere books are sold.

Bryan Roof Every Day's a Saturday- USMC Veteran

Bryan Roof was born in Lancaster, California on April 6, 1981. After graduating High School in 1999, he decided to join the United States Marine Corps in Feb of 2000. He deployed to Kuwait/Iraq in 2003. Bryan was honorably discharged in 2004. He worked in the Aerospace Industry at Northrop Grumman for almost 15 years before being deemed 100% unemployable by the V.A. Bryan Decided to start podcasting in January of 2023 and was voted #3 Best Veteran podcast by Feedspot. He is now the host and co-host to 3 different podcast and enjoys being able to help spread awareness to his fellow brother’s and sister’s.

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