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#73 – Dr. Lipi Roy

  1. #73 - Dr. Lipi Roy 919 Media 1:01:21

Dr. Lipi Roy is a physician board-certified in addiction medicine, media personality, YouTube host, and founder of a health-speaking company, SITA MED. As the former Chief of Addiction Medicine at Rikers Island, Dr. Roy oversaw substance use disorder treatment and recovery services for the nation’s 2nd-largest jail. As a Forbes Contributor, Dr. Roy has interviewed celebrities such as Angela Bassett, Mary J. Blige, Ice-T, and Alonzo Mourning about important health issues.


Follow Dr. Roy on Instagram @LipiRoyMD

Learn more about SITA MED at

Follow Daron Jenkins on Instagram ⁠@thedaronjenkins

Daron Jenkins Podcast Producer / Host

I'm a NYC-based entrepreneur, a community builder, podcast host, producer and content creator. I produce several podcasts including Drop the Mic podcast, where I converse with fascinating people from entertainment, music, business, tech and other focuses.

Additionally, I'm the organizer of the NY Film/TV Collective, a community for over 5k creative that are creating content for the screen.

I also host a weekly Monday night audio room (called Microphone Meetups) on LinkedIn for Podcasters and anyone interested in podcasts.

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