Andy Heller shares with Rosalind Sedacca, Divorce Coach, Centered Child Divorce about his pay-it-forward book, “Take the High Road, Divorce with Compassion for Yourself and Your Family” From healing to helping others.
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A bit more about Andy Heller…
Andy Heller teaches Real Estate Investing to new and seasoned investors around the country and runs a successful international freight forwarding company. Born in Canada, Andy emigrated to the United States as a child. He graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science double majoring in Finance and Marketing. Andy co-authored two real Estate investing books and had no intention of writing another book.
After his own divorce, he saw a crucial role in the self-help space for men and women navigating through divorce. This book is his “give back” effort to make the process easier for those who are considering or who are on the divorce path.