1. Conquering Money Fears CentsAble Chat 16:02

Facing Your FearsFact or fiction? Do we really deal with our fear and anxiety about money, or just push it out of our minds, hoping it will go away? That never works! So, what does? Mike Pumphrey, Founder of EmpathicFinance.com, suggests focusing on what’s really happening, instead of the outcomes we fear. Take the time to truly understand your situation, so you can deal with it effectively.

Preparing for the Next Financial CrisisWhat works and what doesn’t

Another financial crisis is coming; it’s just a matter of time. Use the good times to prepare for the not-so-good. Mike Pumphrey says “ride the booms, but be prepared for the busts!” One of the biggest financial crises people fear is losing a job. The best way to overcome that fear is to plan for it! Build an emergency fund that allows you to eat and keep a roof over your head, while you’re looking for a new job! The emergency fund buys time and peace of mind.

Reducing Financial AnxietyFight feelings with facts!

There are no monsters under the bed! Take a look, just to be sure! You may believe you are powerless to change your financial situation. In reality, you’re the only one who can! Be honest with yourself and find out if you have an income problem or a spending problem. Creating your financial picture will help you find the answer. Income problems can be solved by adding more income. Track your spending to learn the truth about how you spend, then budget to spend in line with your values, and reduce financial stress.

“CentsAble” Bobbi greatly appreciates the support received over the last three years from the great guests to the inquisitive listeners asking pertinent questions about budgeting. CentsAble Chat is going on hiatus for a while, to revamp programming. To get your budget in shape, go to CentsAbleChat.com. While you’re there, be sure to subscribe to the CentsAble Chat Newsletter, so you’ll be the first to know when new episodes are available.

Bobbi Olson Budget Coach & Host of the CentsAble Chat Podcast

After years of producing a financial radio show focused on managing million dollar portfolios, I realized that the strategies, concepts and ideas would work for any budget, and learned the basics of managing money.

It was easier than I ever thought it could be, and I’m now debt–free! I’m excited to share what I’ve learned and hear your stories, as we all strive to lead CentsAble lives!​