1. Soaring Above: A Theological Exploration with Former Pilot Michael McPadden Keith Haney 43:03

A lively Scriptural discussion with pilot-turned-author Michael McPadden transcends cockpits to explore faith and the Divine Story. Michael shares his views on biblical interpretation in Genesis to Revelation Abraham's Promise Finding Christ and Seeing God, which blends military precision with theological exploration. Without ever facing a faith crisis, he unveils a steadfast belief in predestination. He recounts the influential figures that have guided his path from aviator to philosopher.

As Michael discusses the name of God in Exodus and explores the deepest meanings of terms like “Elohim” and “Ruach,” he grapples with the deepest meanings of biblical narratives. His insights bridge the gap between ancient texts and quantum physics, offering a different perspective on the singular yet plural nature of the divine. As we traverse the theological landscape, Michael elucidates the hero's journey within the Christian faith. He differentiates between faith and faithfulness through their original Greek connotations and emphasizes the transformative power of prayer and belief.

As Michael shares his ambitions for his book, consider the legacy one hopes to leave behind for future generations seeking a profound connection to God. His reflections on the dichotomy between atheism and religious belief and the human fascination with the afterlife underscore the potential of aligning oneself with divine consciousness. Michael's work shares his hope that this book is not just a guide; it's a beacon for a deeper study of Scripture. 

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I am a servant-leader who is adept at wearing multiple hats. In addition to hosting a captivating podcast and writing a thought-provoking blog, Keith brings a wealth of experience and knowledge.

I have over 30 years of experience in church leadership, project management, and recruiting top professionals. His passion for ministry outreach shines through in every podcast episode and every blog post he writes.

Known for taking a collaborative approach I share insights and inspiring stories throughout my podcast episodes and blog posts.