1. From Nicaragua to Political Theory: Juliet Hooker on Race, Justice, and the Power of Education Keith Haney 42:48

Join Juliet Hooker, the Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence and Political Science, on an inspiring journey from Nicaragua to academic prestige. In this conversation, Juliet unfolds the connections between her roots and her fierce commitment to public service and advocacy for racial justice. As a result of her groundbreaking research, she provides a fresh perspective on multicultural citizenship in Latin America and the quest for equality across historically disenfranchised communities.

When Juliet Hooker reveals the heart of her work “Black Grief, White Grievance, The Politics of Loss,” the episode takes a poignant turn. In her narrative, we confront the societal pressures on black people to transform their pain into activism, as it emerges from the embers of the Ferguson protests. Rather than thinking in terms of zero-sum outcomes, Juliet proposes a transformative shift towards systemic change. We investigate how marginalized voices can claim a piece of the American dream together with her.

As we draw the curtain on this fascinating discussion, Juliet leaves us with a reflection on her legacy as a teacher and activist. It demonstrates the importance of recognizing our youth's influence and the power of education. On Amazon and at Princeton University Press, her book awaits those eager to follow in the footsteps of past giants. Juliet's hope? As a result of sharing these stories, a new generation of advocates will emerge, equipped with the wisdom of Harriet Jacobs and Ida B. Wells, ready for a world rich with social justice.

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I am a servant-leader who is adept at wearing multiple hats. In addition to hosting a captivating podcast and writing a thought-provoking blog, Keith brings a wealth of experience and knowledge.

I have over 30 years of experience in church leadership, project management, and recruiting top professionals. His passion for ministry outreach shines through in every podcast episode and every blog post he writes.

Known for taking a collaborative approach I share insights and inspiring stories throughout my podcast episodes and blog posts.