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June 23rd, 2024

“Rough Men” – Sgt. Major Charles Ritter

  1. “Rough Men” – Sgt. Major Charles Ritter Ben Buehler-Garcia 39:51

“Rough men” is a phrase used to describe the brave warriors who volunteer to stand the watch and do what is necessary to protect our nation, freedoms and families. It is drawn from the quote “People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”  Sergeant Major Charles Ritter certainly qualifies.Rough Men

Ritter is preparing to retire after a 26 year career in the military, a majority of it spent with the elite Green Berets. He has had 17 deployments, twelve of which were combat deployments. He has been awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star with Valor, the Army Commendation Meal with Valor and three Purple Heart medals. He just completed his thirty first surgery as a result of wounds received in combat.

His first Purple Heart was awarded after a 500 pound IED exploded near his vehicle, tossing it like toy car. It killed two soldiers instantly and caused a third to leave the Army due to his injuries.  His second Purple Heart was awarded when Ritter was shot three times will rescuing an allied commando. He would also be awarded the Silver Star for is actions that day.

Ritter walks us through the mission when he was awarded the Bronze Star and another Purple Heart.  Three groups of forces were pinned down under heavy enemy fire. Ritter’s team was tasked with flying into the gunfight, which he says “..sounded like a really dumb idea, but we’re Green Berets, that’s what we do.”

We spend a segment discussing the importance of mindset. Ritter shares some great thoughts on how adversity can provide experiences for learning and building resiliency. He says humility is important – there is a fine line between being competent and being cocky.

TAKEAWAY: “If you truly believe in your mind that you are an unstoppable force of nature, then everything is something for you to dominate and conquer. If you aren’t failing you aren’t working hard enough.”

American Warrior Radio tells the stories of those who protect us at home & abroad; the men and women of our military and first responder communities. Nationally syndicated via the Talk Media Network.

Ben never served in the military or wore a badge, so he considers it his duty to support those who do.

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