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Will the real physician please stand up

For many people, imposter syndrome is a real and persistent experience that can affect confidence, performance, and well-being. Imposter syndrome can manifest as self-doubt, fear of failure, perfectionism, and overcompensation. It can also be reinforced by external factors such as biases, stereotypes, and social comparisons.

As a professional who has faced imposter syndrome at different stages of my career, I want to raise awareness and offer some tips for overcoming or managing this challenge. First, it’s important to recognize that imposter syndrome is a common and normal reaction to new or challenging situations. Many successful and accomplished people have admitted to feeling like imposters, including Nobel laureates, CEOs, and athletes.

Second, try to separate your feelings from the facts. Just because you feel like an imposter doesn’t mean you are one. Look at your achievements, skills, and qualifications objectively, and celebrate your strengths and accomplishments. Don’t compare yourself to others or set unrealistic  goals.

Will The Real Physician Please Stand Up &Raquo; Unsplash Image 1Tns Bvy9Jk

Originally Published on

Sapna Shah-Haque Internal Medicine Physician

Dr. Sapna Shah-Haque, MD is a board certified Internal Medicine physician. She was born and raised in Kansas, and attended medical school at the University of Kansas [KU] School of Medicine. She completed her Internal Medicine residency at KU-Wichita as well. After experiencing burnout herself, and watching other physician colleagues burn out, it became a passion of hers to look into different aspects of burnout. While the system does need to change, as it is broken, this podcast is a way to reach physicians and possibly shed light on what is not an isolated situation.

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Sapna Shah-Haque


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