Happy Minds Summit
What does happiness mean to you?
Are you happy?
I think as kids we are taught being happy is having a smile on our faces all the time. Thou shalt not feel sad! As an adult, I think it means being content. Being content with what is in front of me. Being content with the small things, which are the ones that matter. Being happy with having my needs met. Self love. Working toward the reality I want to create one day at a time. Is it perfect? Nope! It is trying to exist in the now.
Here are some key facts about the Summit:
There are 73 speakers
The Summit will run for 10 days
There will be 8 Happy Minds Stories – stories of people who have experienced mental illness and go on to thrive.
Promotions for the Summit will begin and registrations will open: August 14th.
Summit goes live: August 28th
30 Day Happy Minds Challenge will start: September 11th
The Summit and Challenge will be part fundraiser with us looking to raise funds for charity:water and help give clean drinking water to those in developing countries.
Originally Published on https://www.theworthyphysician.com/blog