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Something to think about

I was sent the following quote the other week. “Those who achieve great things, defeat long odds, and become legends, don’t have anything you don’t have. They just kept showing up, expecting a miracle, long after everyone else got practical.”

I thought it was a powerful and inspiring thought! Here is why

  1. Everyone has the same resources: The idea that those who achieve great things have something special or unique that others don’t is a myth. In reality, everyone has the same basic resources: intelligence, talent, skills, and opportunities. The difference lies in how they use these resources.
  2. Consistency is key: The phrase “kept showing up” emphasizes the importance of persistence and consistency. Legends don’t achieve their goals overnight; they put in the effort, day in and day out, often for years. This consistency is what sets them apart from others.
  3. Expecting a miracle: This phrase is often misunderstood. It’s not about expecting a sudden, magical solution to appear out of thin air. Rather, it’s about having faith that your hard work and dedication will eventually lead to success. It’s about trusting the process and staying committed to your goals.
  4. Long after everyone else got practical: This part of the quote highlights the importance of staying optimistic and idealistic, even when others have given up or become pragmatic. Legends don’t settle for mediocrity; they keep pushing forward, even when the odds seem insurmountable.
  5. The power of delayed gratification: Achieving great things often requires delayed gratification. Legends are willing to put in the work now, knowing that the rewards will come later. They’re willing to make sacrifices and take risks, even when it’s difficult or uncomfortable.
  6. The importance of mental toughness: Legends have a mental toughness that allows them to overcome obstacles and setbacks. They’re able to bounce back from failures and keep moving forward, even when others might give up.
  7. The value of a Growth mindset: Legends have a growth mindset, believing that their abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. They’re not limited by their current circumstances or abilities; they see themselves as capable of growth and improvement.
  8. The power of community and support: Legends often have a strong support system, whether it’s a team, a mentor, or a community. They recognize the importance of surrounding themselves with people who believe in them and can help them achieve their goals.

To apply these lessons to your own life, try the following:

  • Set clear, ambitious goals for yourself and create a plan to achieve them.
  • Show up consistently and put in the effort required to achieve your goals.
  • Stay optimistic and idealistic, even when faced with challenges and setbacks.
  • Focus on the process, not just the outcome, and trust that your hard work will eventually lead to success.
  • Surround yourself with people who support and believe in you.
  • Embrace delayed gratification and be willing to make sacrifices for your goals.

Remember, achieving great things requires a combination of hard work, persistence, and mental toughness. By applying these lessons, you can increase your chances of success and become a legend in your own right.

Originally Published on

I served as a teacher, a teacher on Call, a Department Head, a District Curriculum, Specialist, a Program Coordinator, and a Provincial Curriculum Coordinator over a forty year career. In addition, I was the Department Head for Curriculum and Instruction, as well as a professor both online and in person at the University of Phoenix (Canada) from 2000-2010.

I also worked with Special Needs students. I gave workshops on curriculum development and staff training before I fully retired


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