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Tips To Hire For Your Medical Office In 2023

Tips To Hire For Your Medical Office In 2023 &Raquo; Screenshot2023 09 2010.22.25Am

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If you’re looking to hire for your business this year, it’s important to do so with care and attention. Despite what industry you might operate in, the importance of recruiting fairly and correctly is key in this modern world we live in.

For medical offices and healthcare institutes, the need to hire the appropriate staff is critical. These are individuals who will be responsible for the health of others, so it’s important that they are right for the job and that they genuinely care as people-persons, rather than creating that illusion just for the sake of getting a job.

With that being said, if you’re looking to hire for your medical office in 2023, here are some considerations to make before you start hiring anybody and everybody. 

Recruit for diversity

To begin with, always look to recruit for diversity. It’s important that your business represents the world around you and more importantly, the patients who are coming into your medical office every day. 

Diversity in the workplace is essential because it helps connect people closer to those they interact with within the workplace as colleagues and those who are service users.

Recruiting for diversity sets a precedence and an example for other companies to follow suit. While it has improved somewhat, it has taken time (too much time) for some companies to diversify their workforce. So make sure your workforce is a prime example of diversification in 2023.

Promote your positions across multiple channels

In order to get a good mix of candidates applying to your job openings, it’s worthwhile reaching out to those across all of your social media channels. Whether that be your social media that promotes the medical office or more professionally-led platforms like LinkedIn.

Of course, job boards and agencies are still the primary target when hiring for your office. However, if you’re able to promote it further through your social media channels, then you’ll definitely notice a bigger influx of applications coming in. It’s better to have more applications to sift through, than not enough.

Consider remote workers

Remote working has become the new norm for many companies and in some cases, new businesses have started up with the sole objective of being remote-led.

It’s important to consider remote workers, especially if you don’t quite have the room in-house currently. With many medical offices, there may be limited desk space and areas to work in, which is why it might be useful to have remote workers, like a remote medical receptionist for example.

You may have one already on site but having one or two off-site can be helpful for screening and handling patient queries that don’t always need to clog up the telephone in the main reception area.

Not only does this help speed up calls being answered, but it also frees up receptionists working in-house to deal with patients who are approaching the desk.

Understand what your team is missing

When it comes to hiring for your team, it’s important to take a look at your current workforce. Is there a role missing from the team that is perhaps being managed by two different people currently? Perhaps it’s just one person who seems to be doing the role of three, rather than just doing the one they were originally recruited for.

It’s good to hire strategically and that means taking a look at who you’re missing and what that role might need to look like when drafting up a job description.

Take a look at your hiring procedures

Your hiring procedures are important to be aware of, especially when it comes to being fair and having that self-awareness of making unbiased choices. Take a look at your current hiring process. Is anything feeling a little outdated or lacking detail when it comes to the intensity of the procedures themselves?

For some roles, you might want to have more stages in which you can truly test out the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and experience. For others, you might not need much at all.

Provide detailed and intensive onboarding 

Finally, make sure that you’re offering detailed and intensive onboarding to all your new medical staff. That goes for those who are working remotely too. Just because they work remotely, doesn’t mean they can’t receive the same level and intensity of onboarding.

Onboarding is essential because it gives the new starters everything they need to succeed in their role.

Hiring for your medical office is something to be mindful of in 2023, so use these tips to get it right.

Originally Published on

Michael Levitt Chief Burnout Officer

Michael D. Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout consulting firm. He is a Keynote speaker on The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting and Burnout. He is the host of the Breakfast Leadership show, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of his latest book BURNOUT PROOF.

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